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Monday, October 15, 2018

"You've got the 'Mother' part right!"

"If he is an Agnostic, why even bother getting into such a discussion unless you like engaging in spirited arguments?" - Old Dog, referring to Uncle Ken.
"That's our Uncle Ken!" - Me, referring to Old Dog's quote. 

God is certainly male in the Judeo/Christian tradition.  In the traditions of some other cultures, not so much.  This may be because the Judeo/Christian tradition comes from a male dominated culture. It might be a male dominated culture because the Middle East has been a hotbed of war and violence for as long as anybody can remember, and is so even unto this day.  In warlike cultures, females usually outnumber males because a lot of males are killed fighting the wars.  In more peaceful cultures, the males might outnumber the females because childbirth used to be a pretty hazardous activity, maybe the most hazardous activity in the absence of warfare.  The relative value that a culture assigns to the genders might be a function of good old supply and demand.  I can't quote you a source for this theory because I think I made it up myself.

Some years ago, I was hanging out with my daughter in her booth at a local arts and crafts show when it started raining really hard.  The rain couldn't hurt my daughter's stuff, but the guy in the next booth was selling some pretty fancy articles, and we helped him cover them up.
"You know", the guy lamented, "This is my third show in a row that has been rained out.  Why does God hate me?"
Quoting Jesus, I intoned, "God causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike."
My daughter, who is a Wiccan, replied, "She certainly does, doesn't she."
The guy inquired as to why my daughter referred to God as "She".
We informed him that many ancient cultures worshipped female deities, which is why we refer to "Mother Nature" and "Mother Earth" even unto this day.
The guy summed it up with, "I'm not sure if I understand everything you guys are saying, but I'm pretty sure that you've got the "Mother" part right!"

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