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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

the investigation continues

My father's father was a chicken farmer in Goshen Indiana.  When we drove there along the two lane roads that led the way before the interstates the ride would be punctuated by one of us kids yelling, "Look cows!"  Outside of eating Italian beef sandwiches, that's my my acquaintance with cows.  The peculiar thing about  cows is when we hear the word we all think of Elsie, but I believe the term includes both males and females.  A bull is a male cow, but I don't know if there is a term exclusively for girl cows.  Isn't it quaint how we designate the gender of animals by calling them like girl cats and boy cats? 

The Kavanaugh hearings celebrity gossip?  Well I suppose, if you think of the accusations, they tend to sound like celebrities behaving badly.  Hard to sort the true from the false, people do lie from time to time.  It's strange how much weight is given to the accuser and the accused being 100 percent sure of what they are saying.  I mean of course they are going to say that.  And what's with a measly 100 percent?  People have tended of late to up it to 110 percent, 200, 1,000.  If you're not willing to state a mathematical impossibility how can you possibly be sincere?  If you won't divide by zero for your honey how can she know if you truly love her?

Oh, where was I?  Kavanaugh.  It's not the tawdry celebrity gossip part that is interesting it's the maneuvers of the opposing sides.  At first people marveled about how civil Trump was about  the whole thing, but we've seen this before.  Every now and then his handlers can soothe the savage beast and have him act like a gentleman, but even as he uses the correct fork you can see the seething in his eyes, and he can only be leashed for so long.  Especially when he goes to his rallies.  Have you guys ever watched one, not the sound bites, but the pure thing like ten minutes straight, heavy stuff.

I read an article about McConnell some time ago.  Apparently he started out as like a normal guy, selling insurance or something like that, and then some pal of his suggested he run for county commissioner or something like that, and suddenly he realized that he had a gift for that kind of thing, and now he appears to have an iron hand, though his fingers of steel have a hard time grasping Flake, Murkowski, and Collins.

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