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Thursday, October 25, 2018

the wind from Canada

I read a column by John Kass who shamefully occupies the inside of the Trib's front page where late  great Royko once wrote, a great shame not so much because he is a right winger as because the man couldn't write his way out of a paper bag.  Anyway as a right winger he was offended by it being called a caravan because that sounded too dignified, he wanted to call it, I don't remember what, something more demeaning. 

But Caravan with a big C will work I guess.  As Old Dog has said, similar caravans take place regularly and generally sputter out at the border where most are not accepted for asylum.  The only thing different about this one is that it is happening right before a big election and Trump has decided to capitalize on it, which, of course, has made it bigger than the usual caravan.

Brexit has become a mess.  One would probably have to read the Economist or listen to BBC to get all the details, but I think basically the Britts are trying to pull out while maintaining the benefits while the EU is saying fuck you on that.  Another problem is the border between northern Ireland, which is part of Britain, and the rest of Ireland which is its own country.  The islanders like having an open border, but Ireland proper is staying in the EU so with Northern out there will have to be a hard border.  It seems surprising to me that such a big issue was decided by a single vote which passed by a small margin and might not have passed if it was held a week later or a week before or if the weather was different.that day.

I don't know where Beagles comes up with the outlandish idea that a bunch of unarmed folks are  going to mob a line of well-armed US border patrol or troops, or that in that unlikely situation the armed guys will just shrug and let them through, but he appears not to be joking when he apparently relishes the thought of a lawless (taking the law into their own hands) armed mob taking Old Betsy off the shelf and taking potshots at people who look like well, Latinos of some stripe.  His use of the word we implies that he would like to take part.  And somehow he seems to believe that Americans of Latin heritage will be taking part also, although he is not sure of which side they will be on.

Well Canada has legalized pot and I hear that they are smoking up a storm and one has to guess that a southerly breeze is taking that smoke right dab into Beaglesonia.

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