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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Milking a deal

Given the veracity of White House proclamations I must view any trade agreements with a jaundiced eye.  As far as I know nothing is nailed down yet and final agreements won't be made until the end of November.  A lot can happen until then and with Trump's record of wonderful "deals" there is bound to be a fly in the ointment.  I'll have to wait and see on this one.


The Kavanaugh drama continues to unfold with new questionable behavior being revealed on an almost daily basis.  I just read about an incident in a bar during his Yale days when things got a bit ugly; looks like he was a mean drunk.  I guess we have until Friday to learn all we're ever going to learn about this guy.  A smarter man would have withdrawn long ago but I don't think Trump will let him; this is like a proxy fight with Trump versus Congress and the media, the mid-term elections hanging in the balance to say nothing of a highly politicized Supreme Court.


It's hard to believe that Trump has been president for less than two years; it seems like forever.  You can't tell me that the mood of the country hasn't changed in that time and not for the better.  Congress has been woefully ineffectual, especially with guys like Mitch McConnell pulling the strings.  How he gained so much power I'll never know; it's like crossing the aisle to reach any kind of compromise will be fatal to him.  I hope he faces a serious challenger for his next election but that is wishful thinking.


Don't knock the animal stories on YouTube, Uncle Ken.  The way I figure, anything that can bring a smile to my face in this time of turmoil is more than welcome.  Besides, I find myself following curious avenues of inquiry, sometimes a worthy pursuit.  Like Mr. Beagles I could, as a lad, tell the difference between some breeds of cattle because of my Uncle Vernie's dairy farm; Jersey, Guernsey, and Holstein were his breeds of choice, the most numerous being Jersey.  I was a failure at milking a cow although I did fill a pail once.  Not to the top but I'll blame the cow.  Apparently she didn't like my clumsy effort, to her udder dismay.  But I could shovel shit with the best of them.

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