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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Not an Invasion?

Okay, what do you call it when thousands of people, massed together, force their way across a national border?  It has happened in Europe, I saw it on TV, so it must be true.  Big swarms of people pushing down the fence and overwhelming the border guards by shear force of numbers.  It's not like the Europeans were trying to keep them out either, they were just trying to get them to cross in an orderly fashion so that they could be processed in.  This current group has already done something like that when they crossed from Guatemala into Mexico a few days ago.  The Mexicans were letting them in one at a time on this bridge, but that wasn't fast enough to suit them, so they bypassed the bridge and swarmed across the river in a big mob.  The news media has been reporting that the group is planning to do the same thing when the reach the U.S. border.  The only good news is that it will take them a month to get here at their present rate of travel.  I just found that out today, and it made me feel a little better. A month should be plenty of time to organize a military defense, if they actually do it.  With a loose cannon like Trump at the helm, though, it's just as likely that he will suddenly "fall in love" with them like he did with that Kim character from North Korea.  Be that as it may, I don't expect them to get as far as Beaglesonia.  There are lots of armed citizens between there and here, and it will be full winter by then anyway.  Then again, there are lots of Hispanics, both legal and illegal, already in the country, and I suppose they have guns too.  I say again, it's not going to be pretty.

I posted that link because I thought it summarized the situation pretty well, and I didn't know how much my esteemed colleagues already knew about it.  One thing that I noticed is how politicians of both parties seem to be more concerned about what effect this will have on the coming election than they are about saving the country from being trampled by this thundering herd.  I saw that again on the TV news this evening.  They said something like, "It will take them a month to get here, and the election will be over by then anyway."

Old Dog raises a good question, Who is feeding these people?  I know that somebody is because I saw that on TV too.  This is only speculation on my part, but it may be something like what happened with Coxey's Army.  People fed them along the way in an effort to keep them moving because, if they crashed in their town, they might become a long term burden on the locals.  If you don't know about Coxey's Army, Wiki has an article on it.

As for the women and children, the Huns and the Mongols traveled with women and children too, some of them brought from home and some of them picked up along the way.  All that means is that they have no intention of returning to their homeland after they're done looting and pillaging ours.


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