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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Memorial Day

 Walked around my hood Memorial Day lonely as a cloud.  Nowhere to go nothing to do.  For many years past I would be going out to Rolla in the middle of Missouri where we would sit around a little round table on the back porch and drink home brew and eat good food and gab on and on all day.  Did that about thirty years and as we all got older the logistics became more difficult and we haven't done it for a couple three years.  And now he died early this spring and she is not getting around very well.  

Just me walking around, getting exercise looking at stuff.  Kept an eye out for chonkosaurus as I went by the river, but no dice.  In the parks were knots of people grilling and drinking and hanging out.  The kids running around like banshees, the adults messing around with the grilling and the table setting and mundane chores and the oldsters not budging from their folding chairs ready to bore anybody who wandered close to them and patting their tummies and saying, "Sure is a nice day.  Yesiree".

Should have been me, sitting in the sun watching my brood buzz around me.  Grampa Ken.  "I declare chile, can't do nothing with you buzzing around me, why doncha go bother Grampa, he's got plenty to tell about days past."

Should have married, should have been good, should have had a brood.  I always assumed when I was growing up that I would have a brood.  Seemed like it would just happen.  I would meet a nice girl, and the next thing you know I would be handing out cigars, getting a promotion, getting a mortgage, the whole shebang.

Never happened, lived to loose I suppose, working low paying jobs, quitting for spells, never thinking much beyond tomorrow, and all the while getting older.  My mother warned me in my younger days to settle down before I got set in my ways.  And now I was set in my ways.  I wanted to come home to an empty house where I would have to talk to somebody about their day, where somebody would stop me halfway to the kitchen and ask did I really need another beer.

As usual Seinfeld says it best:,vid:suAhGfVr_4U

(Didn't expect such a long url.  But I checked it out it works.)

Anyway so it goes.  Could have been worse.  I could have had a harridan wife, ungrateful kids, been stuck in some hellish job that I couldn't quit because I had all these dependents.  Still I was feeling some pity for myself when my feed got tired and I turned homeward.  The whole wide sunny holiday and everybody had somewhere to go, something to do, but not me.

But winding my way home it occurred to me that I hadn't had a bleu cheese burger with fat fries at Elephant and Castle on Wabash under where the train takes the turn to State Street in some time.  Washed it down with a couple Scottish ales, had a good article to read in my New Yorker, and it was fine.  Just fine.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday Quicky

"In Texas, we grow men, not pricks."

Yuk Yuk Yuk!  I like it when Mr. Beagles spins a yarn that ends up in a joke, always catching me off guard.

That turtle story really took off, even crossing the globe.  I may have seen it before you guys because I've been a subscriber of that guy's channel for a few years now, ever since he tried to rescue an abandoned and sickly coyote pup.  Since he quit driving freight trains he's been getting around; Mexico, South America, Tasmania, even the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and he's cranking out plenty of videos.  Worth a peek if you are interested in botany and geology.  Who needs college?  His heavy Chicago accent is part of his shtick which he freely admits and he seemed almost normal when he was on WGN recently with his dogs and buddy Al.

Good link about the foxes, Uncle Ken, and it was news to me, first time I've heard about foxes in the city.  Looks like a good solution to the rat problem, too.  I wonder what new wildlife will show up next, porcupines perhaps?

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

joke time

 Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I strongly suspect Beagles has taken another joke or two and put it into Cheboygan.  It resembles the joke where the Texan and the Michigander are peeing off a bridge and the Michigander says of the river, "Sure is cold," and the Texan replies "And deep too."  It also resembles this much more genteel one:

A man from Yale walks out of the bathroom his hands still damp from washing his hands. His co-worker from Harvard asks why his hands are wet. The man from Yale says, "At Yale, we are taught to wash our hands after using the restroom." The Harvard man says, "At Harvard, they taught us not to piss on our hands."

I can remember more than one discussion in my younger days about who had the longest dick, but I can assure you we would not be hanging with any guy who was waving his dick around in the shower is what makes me think this is an adapted joke.  Though once again I hasten to add not that there is anything wrong with that.

Speaking as we were of fauna in the windy city, we now have this to add to the menagerie:

Won't be any time now until I can get out on my balcony and slay Bambi in my pajamas.  What Bambi would be doing in my pajamas I have no idea.  Stole that one of course from Groucho Marx.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Big Ben

I found the article about the turtle interesting, particularly the part about how they get waterlogged from staying submerged for so long.  That might explain why the turtle in the picture looks so puffy.

The article about the penis enlargement was interesting as well, although it doesn't sound like anything I would want to do.  I am reminded of Old Ben back in my paper mill days.  Ben was short of stature, but he was exceptionally well hung and quite proud of it.  One day he happened to be in the shower with this truck driver from Texas.  Ben was showing off, waving the thing around and such.  The driver, not sure of who he was dealing with, was trying not to notice.  Finally, Old Ben, in an attempt to get the attention he felt he deserved, asked the driver, "Do they grow them that big in Texas?"  The trucker replied dryly "In Texas, we grow men, not pricks."  

A coupla big deals

 The saga of Chonka continues.

Fortunately since turtles of her ilk rarely sun themselves she has not been sighted again and the mystery will deepen and as I previously have mentioned we city slickers, hog butchers, and big fucking assholes like nothing better than to pause in our nefarious deeds and go Awww over some local critter.  

Was reading this article in the Sun-Times this morning as the local NPR station was airing the story.  Awww.

The sun was already high in the sky when we embarked on our quest — hopeful, but uncertain of what lay before us.

Yes, the early bird catches the worm, but we weren’t scavenging for nightcrawlers. Our mission: to find Chonkosaurus, the fat-shamed snapping turtle that looks like it has been supplementing its diet of frogs, plants and fish with a side of Chicago-style pizza, Italian beef and maybe a deep-fried Twinkie or two.

Our Chicago River expedition party on Wednesday included Sara Ruane, the Field Museum’s herpetology expert. Five years ago, while in Belize, she captured a 9-foot-long tiger rat snake trying to bite her face. She’s trapped tree boas in Guyana and wrestled snapping turtles out of giant nets in Nebraska.

Who better to find Chonk, the turgid turtle that’s become an internet megastar?

Our party of five climbed aboard a motorized rubber dinghy just north of the Kinzie Street Bridge. A novice among us volunteered to take the helm.

“You won’t be able to get there if you can’t go straight!” bellowed our expedition guide, Charlie Portis, owner of Wateriders LLC, which offers Chicago River kayak tours and rentals.

With a little further instruction, we were soon underway.

Our journey would take us one mile north. If we avoided being snagged by submerged pilings or swamped by passing river cruise boats, we would reach our destination in about half an hour.

Joey Santore, the colorful local who captured Chonk on video in early May, said he’d heard reports of a more recent sighting.

“She’s out there a lot,” Santore said.

Ruane cautioned us against unbridled optimism.

“They don’t bask that much,” she said. “They spend most of their time underwater. … Typically, it’s females coming out to lay their eggs.”

Snapping turtles lay about 20 to 40 eggs at a time — each about the size and shape of a pingpong ball, Ruane said.

How many typically survive?

“Maybe none,” she said. “Raccoons, skunks and other predators can eat all the eggs the night they are laid and baby turtles are eaten by big fish, herons and other aquatic predators.”

Chonkosaurus is likely native to the river.

“Snapping turtles can be found in many, if not most, bodies of water across their range,” Ruane said. “So any larger pond, lake or slower-moving river typically will have them.”

The adults have few predators — other than humans and train tracks.

Reports that Chonkosaurus might weigh 60 pounds were probably exaggerated. Snapping turtles get waterlogged — bloated — from spending all that time below the surface, Ruane said. She estimates this one is probably closer to 35 pounds. The biggest Ruane has heard about anywhere in the United States? Seventy-five pounds.

As we plied the murky waters, Canada geese honked overhead, a swallow swooped low in search of insects and from the riverbank, an infant stared bug-eyed at us from his stroller.

Ruane regaled us with stories of pulling snapping turtles out of nets in Nebraska.

“You grab these turtles by their back feet and, essentially, you kind of wrestle them backward so that the biting end is always facing away from you,” she said.

If her story gave her companions pause, we kept our thoughts to ourselves.

We were close now — very close. The city’s growl faded, punctuated only by a distant police siren or the occasional city bus rumbling over a nearby bridge. Leafy tree limbs hung over the riverbanks, mottling the water’s surface. We were on the east side of Goose Island, not far from the Division Street bridge.

“I’m looking intently,” Ruane said, her voice lowered. “We’re looking for a big clunky-looking turtle.”

A splash. Then another. Could it be …?

A turtle, yes, but not the one we were looking for. Red-eared slider turtles are abundant here, lounging in the sun on half-sunken logs. Most are not much bigger around than a dessert plate. We saw perhaps a dozen on our journey — some plopping into the the water as we passed by, others too absorbed with soaking up the sun to care.

We cut the motor and drifted toward the splintered pilings where the elusive Chonk had chosen to sun itself. Turtles are creatures of habit, Ruane said. If it wanted to bask, it might well return to the same spot.

We waited. And waited.

“It could be sitting just 10 feet over there near the shoreline under the water all this time and we just don’t know it,” Ruane said.

We circled, looking for any movement in the shadows along the shore.

Nothing. A fizz of surfacing bubbles caught my eye. It could be anything, Ruane said.

It was well past lunchtime. Hunger gnawed.

Ruane recalled once trying snapping turtle jambalaya.

“It was chewy. It was kind of fishy, but not in a good way,” she said.

We turned the boat around and headed for home.

“Well, Chonkosaurus, you’ve eluded us,” Ruane said.

Continuing to read my Sun-Times I came across a column on, um, bigness, and I think you will be glad that I did not include a photo for this one.

Why did Jordan Eldridge, of Michigan City, Indiana, submit to a series of 20 injections in a part of his anatomy where most men would never want even one?

He considers before answering.

“Well ...” the 33-year-old landscaper began. “I guess it’s just part of the culture. Bigger is better. I never really had too much of a problem in the bedroom. I have had a girlfriend tell me my johnson was small before. But it was an argument. You have to take it with a grain of salt.”


I’ve always thought penile enhancement is invariably some variety of scam.

“Historically, you’ve got to be careful what is out there,” agreed Dr. Jagan Kansal, a board-certified urologist in Chicago who specializes in sexual and reproductive medicine. His practice, Down There Urology, performed the PhalloFILL procedure on Eldridge. “There are a lot of advertisements promising you take a pill and your penis is going to get bigger. Oral medications won’t do that.”

Eldridge said he did not do it for romantic reasons.

“I asked my girlfriend that I was with currently, and she said, ‘No, I don’t think you need to do it.’”

Then why?

“It’s more of a personal thing,” he said. “You know, guys in the locker room. Everybody takes a glance, and you don’t want to be the smallest guy. Don’t want to be the biggest, but it never hurts to have a little bit more.”

PhalloFILL does not make the penis longer — Kansal says no reputable procedure promises that — but wider. Eldridge received shots of a substance called hyaluronic acid filler, a natural compound found in body joints.

Eldridge got 20 shots at four sessions in March and was surprised and happy to find the procedures performed by Kansal’s partner, Dr. Fenwa Famakinwa Milhouse, and an assistant.

“It was odd but pleasant,” Eldridge said. “I expected it to be an old man, but it was two beautiful women doing the procedure. What more could you ask for?”

Some medical authorities ask that men not do this, casting any attempt at penile enlargement as seeking a medical solution to a psychological problem.

“There’s little scientific support for nonsurgical methods to enlarge the penis,” states a Mayo Clinic web page devoted to penis enlargement. “And no trusted medical organization endorses penis surgery for purely cosmetic reasons.”

The Mayo Clinic page highlights the various methods — pills, lotions, vacuum pumps, stretching — dismissing them as some combination of unnecessary, ineffective and dangerous.

“Results may be disappointing,” the Mayo Clinic writes of the injection method, which sometimes uses body fat. “Some of the injected fat may spread unevenly or be reabsorbed by the body. This can lead to a penis that is curved, unevenly shaped and irregular looking. Scarring and problems with sensation and firmness of erections can also happen. Several other products have been used for injection, but with similar poor results.”

Eldridge said his results are uneven, but only a little.

“It’s not as perfectly symmetrical as God made it, but I don’t think too many people can compete with Him,” he said. “It’s pretty good.”

All told, he’s enthusiastic.

“It’s not that big of a change but gives myself more confidence,” he said. “I would recommend it to any guy that needed a little plumpness.”

His procedure cost $7,500. Eldridge got a discount because he agreed to be featured in a reality TV series, “Dr. Down Below,” the practice is producing, hoping to be picked up by TLC.

“With men’s health and genital issues, everyone wants to hear about it, and no one wants to ask about it,” Kansal said.

Eldridge compares the procedure to common women’s surgery.

“No one thinks twice about breast implants,” he said. “I think it’ll be a lot more popular in the future.”

Many men would be reluctant to discuss this with friends, never mind offer their stories to the media. He’s OK seeing this in the newspaper?

“I’m an open guy,” Eldridge said. “I’m a humorous guy. I don’t care. If you want to make fun of me, make fun of me. I feel that people who are making fun probably want to do it themselves. I think it’s cool. I would recommend it to any guys who have personal confidence issues. It’s just a confidence booster. You know you’ve got a little extra artillery.”

Thursday, May 18, 2023


 The poem is by William Butler Yeats, the guy who wrote The Second Coming that I refer to often.  I didn't memorize this one but it has been a little bit on my mind ever since that class sixty plus years ago.

It's about being old or as WBY puts it: A tattered coat upon a stick.

At the time I read it I was 20 years old, so that I knew that would never happen to me, but I filed it away, just in case.

Walking around downtown, aimlessly roaming because it is good exercise and because I just like to look at things, I see all the other people, most of them younger than me with a faster, more purposeful stride.  They have places to go to and things to do.  They are more involved, playing a part in the business of the world, than me walking around for exercise and looking at things just to be looking at them.

See in the poem even though he was a big time poet he also felt a bit out of the hurly burly of life because there was not so much hurly burly in him anymore.  What is a tattered coat upon a stick to do?

What to do?  What to do?  Well Big Bill is sailing to Byzantium.  The land of ideas.  Ideas like Plato's ideas, perfect and eternal, you know like art or wacky scientific experiments or maybe Beagles' music.  Why doesn't he take it up again?  Pick up his guitar or harmonica and belt out a tune every now and then?

Being a tattered coat on a stick you can no longer compete with those youngins with their streak of lighting cars and fancy clothes, but if you sail out to Byzantium you are dealing with stuff that never dies and never grows old.

Something like that.  Though I do get a little lost at perning in a gyre.

The phrase “perne in a gyre” refers to a spinning wheel such as those Yeats would have seen during his youth in Sligo.

Oh see.  So let's perne and sail on Beaglestonians.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Say What?

I don't know what to make of that poem.   It's a bit too elaborate for my taste.  I'm more of a Robert Service fan myself.  That's not an Uncle Ken original, is it?  Sounds a little too elaborate for him as well.  Is it of the Transcendental School, or does the author just have delusions of grandeur?  

The drive to Petoskey went well.  Remember I was a little worried about driving that far in my condition.  My next appointment is in Cheboygan on June 19, when the sleep specialist will go over the test results with me and hopefully come to some kind of conclusion.  I'll probably end up wearing one of those stupid CPAP masks when I sleep.  I'm not looking forward to that, but I suppose it's better than falling on my head periodically or dying in a car crash.  

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Sailing to Byzantium

 That is no country for old men. The young

In one another's arms, birds in the trees

—Those dying generations—at their song,
The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas,
Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long
Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.
Caught in that sensual music all neglect
Monuments of unageing intellect.

An aged man is but a paltry thing,
A tattered coat upon a stick, unless
Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
For every tatter in its mortal dress,
Nor is there singing school but studying
Monuments of its own magnificence;
And therefore I have sailed the seas and come
To the holy city of Byzantium.

O sages standing in God's holy fire
As in the gold mosaic of a wall,
Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,
And be the singing-masters of my soul.
Consume my heart away; sick with desire
And fastened to a dying animal
It knows not what it is; and gather me
Into the artifice of eternity.

Once out of nature I shall never take
My bodily form from any natural thing,
But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make
Of hammered gold and gold enamelling
To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;
Or set upon a golden bough to sing
To lords and ladies of Byzantium
Of what is past, or passing, or to come.

Friday, May 12, 2023

city critters

 Yup I have seen the video.  I have played it over and over again and tried to figure out where it was shot.  I expect others have been doing the same and if they find him/her they (that strange pronoun) will be given a name and there will be reports of sightings and we will pause in our daily strife to say Aw.

For a city that prides itself on being the hog butcher of the world (which was like a hundred years ago, but we remember stuff.  The 1985 Bears, like it happened last season.) we have a soft spot for animals.  

Recently there was a heifer that was kidnapped by some high school kids and got away and escaped the fate of becoming a hundred Italian beefs will now live out its life on some humane farm.

Most famous is probably Chance the Snapper, the alligator found in a park lagoon who evaded capture for days and is now in some park in Florida where we Chicagoans are happy to hear he had grown quite big and is now bullying the other alligators.  Good for him.

And then there is the poignant story of the love of the plovers Monty and Rose.

I don't know about that turtle though, his condition does not look right, though of course I, and all of us Chicagoans wish him our very best.  

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Have You Seen This Turtle?

 I have caught a few snappers in my lifetime, but nothing this big.  It's not only big, but it's quite puffy looking, like it's trying to outgrow its shell.  If it tried to withdraw into its shell, I don't think it would even be able fit in there.  This makes me wonder if there isn't something wrong with it, although it looks otherwise healthy and content.  Then again, I don't know what a discontented turtle looks like.

See the giant snapping turtle rightfully dubbed ‘Chonkosaurus’ after spotted in Chicago River (

gun control and jetsam

 I don't believe the Biden administration has done much of anything about gun control. Nor did Trump, or Obama.  This is not one of those issues that goes back and forth with administrations.  It has been a trend towards selling guns willy nilly to anybody with some bucks in their pocket since 2004 when the assault weapons ban expired.  The gun nuts have won victory in case after case.  Remember when concealed weapons was controversial?  When they won that one they thought well, why should we conceal them and came out with open carry.  

When you say legislatures are being under pressure, don't you mean that they are afraid they will lose elections because they are way off in what their constituencies want?

It seems to me that you were once soft on background checks and red flags and those quaint gun classes, but I could be mistaken.  

Anyway I was just checking to see if this recent spat of mass killings had affected you in any way and I see that they have not, and I am dropping the subject.

Yes indeed, Old Dog early spring is the nicest time of the year.  I think of it as the time when you open the pizza box and the pent up aromas rise up to greet you.  Once you extract the first slice and take a bite, it is still fine and the aroma is as strong as it was before, but you know, you do not have the entire pizza to eat anymore.  In a few weeks we will no longer have those blossom busting bursts and those windy days where you need to wear a jacket, but we will no longer have all of spring to look forward to.

This NASCAR thing is way up there in the worst idea category.  We will lose Grant Park for much of the summer.  Well, you may say irresponsible budgeters that we are, we have to make sacrifices to come up with dough.  The problem is we will not be making much dough on the deal, unlike Lollapaloosa where we make much more and the Lollababes are much easier on the eye than those metal beasts.  I did go to see the stock racers at Soldiers Field with my scout troop and I thought it was swell, but of course I was only ten years old.

Oh and a little self promotion here.

Preview of the show at:

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Do Something Already!

When I was in the army, whenever we were in "hurry up and wait" mode, often somebody would exclaim in frustration, "Let's do something even if it's wrong!"  They seem to be at that point in the gun control issue now.  All the legislators are under pressure to do something, and I suppose they will, but not with my vote.  That's okay, as soon as Trump gets back in the White House, he will undo everything that the Biden administration has accomplished anyway.  Then the next president will undo all of Trump's accomplishments, and so it goes.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Merry month of May

The link to the songs of Mr. Beagles has been posted before but I can always use a reminder of the things that slip through the cracks.  I've already downloaded it but have only listened to a few bits and pieces so far but I'll get to it, I promise.


It's nice to see green treetops again even though the past winter was mild, in my opinion.  Not much snow at all and not too many bouts of frigid weather but I can live with that.  Lots of flowers and plants are coming up nicely, especially the tulips.  There are some nice yards in my area and a quick trip to the store is never a quick trip, with me always stopping to gawk at the greenery.  Quite a lot of variety but except for a few flowers I have no idea what I'm looking at and I don't always carry a camera with me.  I could use the phone but it's camera stinks and it's a pain to get the pics into the computer.

The mangoes are alive but have slowed down their growth; they could be over watered. Or under watered, I dunno.  The surprise to me was the growth of the roma tomatoes.  The fruit never got big but I have a couple of plants still growing, albeit scrawny and spindly.  There's one bigger tomato that will turn red soon, I hope, and then I'll be sending the plants to glory.  They were planted in early October so they have lived more than twice as long as I expected.  I will attribute their strange growth to the likelihood of them being some kind of mutant GMO hybrids.


I'm all for gun control; a one inch group at twenty yards sound good enough for me.  My opinion is that additional regulations will do little more than make things difficult for the responsible owner and I'll leave it at that.  As a society we are ill equipped to deal with the highly motivated nut case, regardless of their misguided philosophies.


Speaking of misguided philosophies, I've gotten sucked into a new site that unravels Twitter threads, making one long post.  Some wacky stuff, to be sure, but good stuff also.  Check out if you're curious.


Late next month there is going to be a NASCAR race in Grant Park by Buckingham Fountain.  That is either going to be the worst idea ever, or the best.  I can't see a middle ground with such an epic experiment.  The course layout that I've seen indicates that a head-on collision is not impossible.  Such a race downtown is not without precedent; have either of you guys been to the stock car races in Soldier Field, way back when?

Bringing up an old and tattered discussion

 To be properly commie you have to have that from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs thing.  Which to my knowledge is not going on in Russia or Red China.  To be fascist all you need is some dictator whose word is law.  Therefore I would call Putin a fascist, and as far as his calling the Ukes fascist, that's just to rally the Russkies in remembering The Great Patriotic War, and anyway the guy is just plain full of shit.  

And anyway these are just labels to be tossed about.  Uncle Ken's rule is you can call yourself whatever you want.  And the corollary is that everybody else can call you what they want.

But I want to talk about gun control today.  I have spoken of it before and it is the most intransigent issue I have ever encountered in these ivied halls.

But things are different now.  The reps have been so successful on the pro gun issue that now in many parts of the USA it is no big deal for a crazy teen with a criminal history to get an AR-15 and consequently there have been spates of mass killings like every week.  I mean what did the reps think would happen?  The thing has gotten so out of hand that republican reps in the state of Texas are saying well maybe we should not sell AR-15's to kids under 18.  Which is really just a baby step, but that there is a step at all is mind boggling.

I am currently engaged in a fb 'conversation' with a classmate of Beagles and I, Steve Hogan, who has an armada of superweapons because, because guns you know.  But as far as I know Beagles just has Old Betsy and all he wants to do is shoot a deer once a year and eat that sweet venison until it is all gone.  Mostly though he has been strongly against any gun control measure on the theory that this is one more hurdle the dems will have to go through before they do a Mar A Largo on the freehold and pry Old Betsy from his hands.

I am just wondering if, in the light of what is going on, if Beagles has softened his stance on any of the all weapons at all times to all people measures of the current GOP.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

More on Names

 Just came across this tonight.  I am not familiar with the source, so I cannot judge the authenticity of the article.  Nevertheless, I thought it was of interest since we have recently discussed the subject.  It seems a self-described "anarcho-communist collective" in Russia considers the Putin regime to be fascist, although Putin himself has been quoted as calling the current Ukrainian regime "fascist", or maybe it was "nazi", I don't remember, but whatever.  How are we supposed to know what to call them when they can't even agree on what to call each other?

"BOAK is a Russian anarcho-communist collective inside Russia that have taken up arms and have organised a string of sabotage attacks that target government buildings and lay bombs on train tracks."

'“People understand that fascism cannot be overthrown by legal actions, and you need to take responsibility and stand up against it, even if it means breaking the law,” the spokesman stated."

Meet the Russian partisans fighting back against Putin’s regime (

Friday, May 5, 2023


 When I look up a something on youtube along the side of the screen it shows all these other things that it thinks I might be interested in, mostly Emmylou Harris and Nanci Griffith songs, and a couple days ago I was looking up a song and your, I think they are calling them ep's these days, showed up.

Oops wrong again.  They do not call them ep's.  I had seen the term around and I thought that the e stood for electronic and ep was the digital version of like what album was for vinyl and CD was for those things in those things that they called jewel boxes which it was a helluva a pain in the ass to get them out of that tightass cellophane.

I had a million dollar idea back in the days of CDs for a tool to open them, sort of like a tiny penknife, but the body would contain something about a famous artist and people could collect and trade them and wouldn't that be a blast?  Well maybe not.

When I say artist I mean musician, sometimes they call musicians artists.

Performing arts is acting/drama, vocalization, theater, etc. Art is a a term for the visual, auditory, or performing arts, expressing human expression and creativity. S singer is technically an artist. A musician is technically an artist.

Well fair enough.  But why do they call them albums?

Historically, the term "album" was applied to a collection of various items housed in a book format. In musical usage, the word was used for collections of short pieces of printed music from the early nineteenth century.

So I guess they are not records, 8 tracks, tapes, or CDs.  They are just digital albums.  

Anyway it seems like a stretch, but google owns both youtube and blogspot, so somehow it connected us on the blog to albums I might like to hear.  Maybe a little bit too much info?

I did another search for that same LP and Hold Back the Dawn did not come up in the feed.  But I have it on that Beaglestonian link for whenever I have a hankering for songs about paper mills.

Have you looked at it?  The guy has slipped in some old photos of you.

Heck's Angel?

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sounds Familiar

 Some time ago, this guy who is currently involved with Bliss Fest called me up and asked for permission to put my old tape on You Tube.  I thought I told you guys about it at the time, but apparently, I didn't. 

Nothing new to report, but I'm still here. 

Listen to This