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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Merry month of May

The link to the songs of Mr. Beagles has been posted before but I can always use a reminder of the things that slip through the cracks.  I've already downloaded it but have only listened to a few bits and pieces so far but I'll get to it, I promise.


It's nice to see green treetops again even though the past winter was mild, in my opinion.  Not much snow at all and not too many bouts of frigid weather but I can live with that.  Lots of flowers and plants are coming up nicely, especially the tulips.  There are some nice yards in my area and a quick trip to the store is never a quick trip, with me always stopping to gawk at the greenery.  Quite a lot of variety but except for a few flowers I have no idea what I'm looking at and I don't always carry a camera with me.  I could use the phone but it's camera stinks and it's a pain to get the pics into the computer.

The mangoes are alive but have slowed down their growth; they could be over watered. Or under watered, I dunno.  The surprise to me was the growth of the roma tomatoes.  The fruit never got big but I have a couple of plants still growing, albeit scrawny and spindly.  There's one bigger tomato that will turn red soon, I hope, and then I'll be sending the plants to glory.  They were planted in early October so they have lived more than twice as long as I expected.  I will attribute their strange growth to the likelihood of them being some kind of mutant GMO hybrids.


I'm all for gun control; a one inch group at twenty yards sound good enough for me.  My opinion is that additional regulations will do little more than make things difficult for the responsible owner and I'll leave it at that.  As a society we are ill equipped to deal with the highly motivated nut case, regardless of their misguided philosophies.


Speaking of misguided philosophies, I've gotten sucked into a new site that unravels Twitter threads, making one long post.  Some wacky stuff, to be sure, but good stuff also.  Check out if you're curious.


Late next month there is going to be a NASCAR race in Grant Park by Buckingham Fountain.  That is either going to be the worst idea ever, or the best.  I can't see a middle ground with such an epic experiment.  The course layout that I've seen indicates that a head-on collision is not impossible.  Such a race downtown is not without precedent; have either of you guys been to the stock car races in Soldier Field, way back when?

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