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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

joke time

 Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I strongly suspect Beagles has taken another joke or two and put it into Cheboygan.  It resembles the joke where the Texan and the Michigander are peeing off a bridge and the Michigander says of the river, "Sure is cold," and the Texan replies "And deep too."  It also resembles this much more genteel one:

A man from Yale walks out of the bathroom his hands still damp from washing his hands. His co-worker from Harvard asks why his hands are wet. The man from Yale says, "At Yale, we are taught to wash our hands after using the restroom." The Harvard man says, "At Harvard, they taught us not to piss on our hands."

I can remember more than one discussion in my younger days about who had the longest dick, but I can assure you we would not be hanging with any guy who was waving his dick around in the shower is what makes me think this is an adapted joke.  Though once again I hasten to add not that there is anything wrong with that.

Speaking as we were of fauna in the windy city, we now have this to add to the menagerie:

Won't be any time now until I can get out on my balcony and slay Bambi in my pajamas.  What Bambi would be doing in my pajamas I have no idea.  Stole that one of course from Groucho Marx.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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