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Thursday, October 18, 2018

but what about tautologies?

Of course the term trinity is not mentioned in the bible, the whole concept  did not exist until that council around 400 AD.  In the Old Testament  there was never anybody but Jehovah and so there was no confusion about Who was Boss.  Jesus doesn't show up until the New Testament. and I may be on shaky ground but I don't believe Jesus ever said he was the son of God.  Okay a little internet research reveals that he never actually said so in so many words.  I'm beginning to dislike that phrase it's open to pretty open interpretation. My opponent never said he was going to tax you to death and sell your wives and daughters to ISIS in so many words.  Anyway even if he did say he was the Son of God He never claimed to be God, and obviously that was impossible since how can the son and the father be the same man.  It  doesn't make any sense.

I wonder if Beagles has ever studied the early history of the church, like when they decided what gets into the New Testament and what doesn't ? 

Khashoggi went to the embassy to get some paperwork for his impending wedding.  He felt pretty safe because who murders somebody in their embassy in another country?  He was wearing one of those Apple watches (remember them?) and his betrothed outside was able to record the grisly proceedings. 

I didn't read the forever war article, but I wonder if the author gives credit to Orwell for bringing up the subject in 1984.  And of course the current war on terrorism is a forever war because how could we ever run out of people we call terrorists?

Beagles sez  Yeah, war sucks but, as long as there are bad guys in the world, we've got to do it.  The alternative is unconditional surrender, which seems to endorse forever war since we will certainly never run out of bad guys.  I wonder about the term unconditional surrender though.  I don't believe the idea that the USA would ever surrender to the Taliban or ISIS or whomever was ever in the cards.  No matter how irritating a mosquito is I don't believe you ever give up and become her slave. 

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