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Friday, October 19, 2018

A Little Help For Our Friends

I don't think there are any good guys in the Middle East except maybe Israel, and we hardly ever hear about Israel anymore.  The U.S. originally got involved there to help Israel because there are lots of Jews in the U.S.  This angered the Muslims who retaliated by cutting off our oil back in he 70s. The oil was ultimately restored, but those guys are still mad at us and seem to have forgotten all about Israel.  I don't know why we need their stinking oil anyway, since half of the oil produced in the U.S. gets exported.  This is not so different from the way we got involved in Vietnam.  We originally went in there to help out our French allies, the French bailed, and we were left holding the bag.  I'm not sure how Saudi Arabia became our ally, but I think it had something to do with their oil which, as I said, we don't need.  I agree that the U.S. shouldn't be involved in every rinky dink conflict in every rinky dink country all over the world, but I don't think we should wait until we are attacked to look out for our own best interests.  There must be happy medium somewhere, but I don't know where it is, or if anybody is even looking for it.

I didn't say that I believed in the Trinity, I was just trying to explain the logic behind it.  I seem to remember this discussion started out with Uncle Ken asking me a question about the Bible, but now I don't remember what that question was.  No matter, just because I know a little more about the Bible than the average guy doesn't mean I believe every word that's in it.  As I have said in the past, the Bible is a collection of history, mythology, poetry, and creative story telling.  Whether or not you believe in it, it's an important part of our literary and cultural heritage.

Although those syndicated columnists all have a home paper that they work for, they appear in lots of papers all over the country.  Our local paper prints a decent balance of liberal and conservative columnists on different days of the week.  They only have one opinion page, so there wouldn't be room to print all of them at once.

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