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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Plenty of Bugs in Beaglesonia

I don't know about the rest of the world, but we've still got plenty of bugs in Beaglesonia.  Of course it's not the same every year.  Insects, like other wildlife, experience cyclical fluctuations in population. One year there might an unusual amount of mosquitoes, another year it might be houseflies or deerflies.  This summer there seemed to be a profusion of monarch butterflies around the house, and I understand they have been getting scarce in other parts of the country.  One year, I believe it was 1989, three different species of caterpillars surged at once and practically defoliated the forests in neighboring Emmet County. They all turned into moths in mid summer, and the trees were back to normal by fall.

I haven't been following the Khashoggi case very closely.  I understand that this guy was seen entering the Saudi embassy and not seen coming out, so they figure that he was murdered in there.  Investigations are being conducted as we speak, so I'm sure somebody will get to the bottom of it eventually.  What I don't know is why he went into that embassy in the first place.  I'll have to check my news feed later and brush up on the details before I can discuss it intelligently.

That "forever war" story sounds kind of biased to me.  It has an anti war, anti military, anti rich people, and anti U.S. flavor to it that is reminiscent of the old Ban the Bomb movement back in the 60s.  I'll say the same thing I said back in the day:  Yeah, war sucks but, as long as there are bad guys in the world, we've got to do it.  The alternative is unconditional surrender, which would put us at the mercy of the bad guys, and that would suck even more.

As Old Dog said, there are lots of references to the Holy Spirit in the Bible.  We always called it "Holy Spirit" at Elsdon, but I understand that some denominations still use the old fashioned term "Holy Ghost".  I don't believe, however, that the term "Holy Trinity" is used in the Bible, so that might be the one that was invented back in the three digit years.

I think the reason that the Bible doesn't make a point of identifying God as male is that His gender was never questioned at the time.  Everybody knew that God was male, and that was that.

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