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Monday, October 15, 2018

which bathroom does God use?

So that article Old Dog linked to, of course the thing that might tempt one to read it is the title (and I have to wonder if Old Dog read it since it is so off target), and how can he prove that black is white.  One expects some fancy literary footwork here, so one (me) who is very reluctant to click on links that aren't about cats, because they are such wastes of time. went for a look.  How was the jerk going to justify his outrageous premise?

And he doesn't bother, there is no fancy literary footwork, there is just a flat and obviously false tautology  (not  sure I am using that word correctly, I'll expect The Scourge to let me know about that), in the first paragraph that sure the prez is a lying sack of shit, but that doesn't mean he isn't honest.

Well, yes, yes it does.  The very definition of honest (free of deceit and untruthfulness.) says so.  So having lied in his title and the first paragraph, showing proper obeisance to his idol, this jerk goes on to present the tired old argument that Trump does what he says he is going to do.  This is usually framed within a phrase like don't you anti-Trumpists complain, the people voted for Trump because of what he said he was going to do, and therefore he is doing the people's will .  Of course the truth is that most people voted against him therefore what he is doing is not the people's will, so of course people are going to complain/

And the thing is that he said he was going to do a lot of things, and he has done some and not done others like every other presidential candidate.  So what?  The jerk throws in a gratuitous insult to Obama, because no Trumpian diatribe is complete without an insult to Obama or Hilary or the press, or whoever.  Much ado about nothing, just a another piece of clickbait.

I did get one of those presidential text messages.  Didn't seem like a big deal to me either way.

Here's something that came up in the Friday seminar that sadly Old Dog seldom attends, is god a man or a woman?  It would seem to me at first glance, being outside of humaness, and indeed animalness and vegetableness, that gender would not be applicable to Him.  I use the word Him because I have to use a pronoun.  It would appear to be a better one, but it sounds insulting and is usually applied to things that aren't alive. 

The other side thought He was male, because of that pronoun thing and how he is referred to as The Father and all that jazz.  I guess you could say that Jesus was clearly male and since God and Jesus and that Holy Ghost are all mixed up in that trinity thing where they are one thing in three different ways like a breath mint and a candy mint and and a tiddly wink,  But I don't know bringing in the trinity is like dividing by zero, it makes everything following irrelevant.

And wayback religions often worshiped female deities.  Early Christianity was mostly women until the men saw that there was a future to it and so took the important positions, so there's that to consider also.

And tautologies, let's consider them also.  And be careful out there.   

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