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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Trump's speaking style

I wouldn't  call Trump's speaking style evangelical, I would call it  folksy, like your crazy old uncle at the dinner table after he's had a few.  You know your uncle is an asshole, but he's your asshole.

Most, maybe all, I can't think of an exception at the moment, politicians are careful with what they say, they don't want to offend certain people and they don't want to be caught in a lie because then they will be pilloried by the press.  Consequently there is a stilted manner to their speaking that right away you know they are playing you.  They are saying what they will to get your vote.  They may have things they believe in, things they want to do, but they can't do them unless they get your vote, so that's why they are asking for it, but it seems to the voter that that is all they are interested in,

Trump doesn't worry about offending anybody and if he gets pilloried in the press, he accuses the press of lying and that makes him even more of a hero in the eyes of his base.  I think he goes into these rallies with some kind of speech, but it's just kind of a springboard. He rattles off a few lines and then something occurs to him and he's off surfing the crowd.  I know what that's like from doing improv, my ears are always open to the sound of the crowd, I pump up the stuff that is getting laughs and drop the stuff that isn't.  Trump's crowds love him and will cheer anything he says, but some stuff pleases them more than other.  It's remarkable how in synch they are feeding off each other, raging into the night.  We liberal weenies complain about the threats of violence and the occasional fisticuffs, but I am surprised there isn't more.  I am surprised that a contingent fresh from the speech doesn't rush into the nearest Starbucks and smash everybody's computers.

Even Trumpists sometimes complain that he will have some victory like with the current booming economy or that new NAFTA thing and they would love to see that in headlines in the lame stream press but then he goes to one of those rallies and tells a couple dozen lies and insults a passel of people and that becomes the headlines.  It's not too hard to understand.  Victories are boring, everybody looks up and smiles and isn't that nice, but it doesn't get the heart beating.  What gets the heart beating is anger, fighting, hurling insults. 

Then there is the braggadocio.  Aren't we admonished from our youth not to be braggarts?  Don't we all know braggarts and make fun of them behind their backs and generally avoid their company?  And here is the biggest braggart to come down the pike and a third or more of Americans love him.  Another thing, you would think that there would be a lot of we at these rallies, sharing the praise with his compatriots, but there is a lot more me, the praise is more for Trump exclusively than for his crowd.  I don't know how to explain this except maybe it is part of the not a politician thing.  No politician would brag like that, therefore Trump is not a politician, and if politicians are evil then Trump must be good. 

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