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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"You can't tell the players without a score card."

I think that some famous sports guy said that, but I don't know his name, and could care less. I have no interest in sports, which is why I'm not getting involved in the discussion about all those goofy sports guys kneeling during the National Anthem. I do have some interest in history and politics, but I don't claim to be an expert on either subject.

I don't think that Harry Truman had anything to do with Vietnam, but I could be wrong about that. I'm pretty sure, though, that Truman was responsible for the loss of the Korean War because he fired MacArthur for trying to win it. It is my understanding that the first U.S. troops were sent to Vietnam by Eisenhower, Kennedy sent some more, and Johnson sent a whole lot more. Then Nixon bombed the shit out of the Commies, allegedly to persuade them to come to the negotiating table. When they finally did, Nixon sent Kissinger to the table and he gave away the whole farm. If that was the original plan, they could have saved everybody a lot of trouble by just having Eisenhower surrender in the first place.

As I have said before, I no longer believe that they are all in it together, but I still believe that they are all in it. As I also said, all that talk about Vietnam the other day must have triggered a flashback, causing me to revert to my old practice of spelling "them" with a capital "T". Truth be known, if they were that well organized, we'd all be dead by now. I like Uncle Ken's analogy about the fake Greek gods. The modern "they" of today are a lot like those Greeks because they too are a pain in the ass. I suppose a pain in the ass is better than a dagger in the heart but, as I said previously, they still suck.

Thanks to Old Dog for looking up those bracelet people. I agree that they act more like spam bots than real people trying to sell us something. I have seen a couple of good sites ruined by spam bots, but that was some years ago and I had forgotten about it. Rather than delete their last post, I sent it to the Spam file. I read somewhere that it helps Google to identify future spammers when you do that.

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