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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

There ought to be a law

Mr. Beagles mentioned that a comment was posted a couple of days ago but I couldn't find anything.  Then I went back a couple of months and didn't find any comments there, either, so I don't know what's going on.  Are comments only showing up on his feed?


Are transgender bathrooms in schools still a major talking point or has that issue been resolved?  I'm not in favor of the third bathroom option; it seems like a needless expense for an educational system that has more pressing needs, but I'm not in touch with the emotional needs of today's youth.

Schools have always had their own set of rules, some of them pointless, but that's the way it is.  You deal with it, or not, as best you can.  "Different" kids have always suffered some kind of teasing or scorn, but it is usually short lived.  That's what I recall from those long gone school days of mine, and last time I looked, life isn't fair.  I suppose it is too much to ask for Johnny, who really is Joanie, to pretend to be Johnny for those relatively few hours of the day that is spent in school and to keep his/her private life private.


While Old Dog may thank God for the hurricanes washing all the garbage and trash off the street...

I don't know what you are inferring from my post, Uncle Ken, or if you are simply using more words than necessary and possibly putting words into my mouth.

The recent hurricanes are tragic, with long lasting and possibly permanent hardship.  There are still millions of people in Florida without gas, electricity, or homes that they can return to.  I hope they can maintain a sense of social order long enough to get through this, lest things get very ugly.

I haven't paid much attention to the wildfires out west although I should have, but since fewer people are involved there is less news coverage.  Forests recover pretty quickly if you leave them alone, but shouldn't wildfires be expected as recurring "Acts of God?"  One lightning strike during an unseasonably dry season and Poof!  There goes the neighborhood.  I'm not blaming the victims, but housing is developed in many sub-optimal locations like flood plains, swamps, and fire-prone forests.  All wonderful housing sites until Mother Nature steps in and expresses a contrary opinion.

Should the Florida Keys have been so heavily developed?  In hindsight, probably not.  Same thing for southern Florida.  If it were not for the Herculean efforts of the Army Corps of Engineers and the system of canals, southern Florida is basically uninhabitable.  Alligators wandering into your backyard should not be a normal thing, to my way of thinking, unless it's okay to kill them for food and maybe some fashionably hip shoes and handbags.  But the housing developers have stolen their habitat and they gotta live someplace, I guess, and pets are an easily available food source. 


Moving along to different type of natural disaster, I've read that there have been a lot of earthquake swarms in southeast Idaho lately.  These aren't due to fracking like the ones in Oklahoma but are natural in their origin.  Thing is, they are uncomfortably close to the Yellowstone Caldera, a super-volcano if it ever blows.  It's not a question of if, but when.  Some geologists think it will blow within a hundred years, which on a geological time scale is a rounding error.  It could be a lot less than that.  We won't be thinking about transgender bathrooms anymore, that's for sure.


Here's a little political tidbit that almost escaped my notice, "State leaders from around the nation will gather in Arizona this week to plan what would be the first Article V convention in American history."

What is Article V, you ask?  This is something I didn't know; the states, and not just Congress, can propose constitutional amendments.  I wonder what they'll come up with.  Here's a site if you want to read more:

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