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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

a fine mess

Well I don't  know, I go away for a few days, and Kim III may have a hydrogen bomb and Trump is on the verge of ending DACA with that odd 6 month delay and you guys are talking about, butter.

Myself I was a margarine man most all my life.  Well it was cheaper and for some reason I thought it would spoil quickly like milk, but it turns out it is not that much more expensive and it lasts a long time, and it seems like it tastes better to me, but that might be my imagination.  But, you know, even if it is my imagination, as long as I think it tastes better, doesn't that make it better?

I don't know about Kim III, Trump is using his time tested methods of bluster and insulting our allies.  There is talk of talk which hasn't worked.  Invasion kills a lot of people right off the bat and potentially way more down the road.  I don't know.  It doesn't sound too good, but not doing much of anything and hoping this sort of blows over might be the best option.

As of this writing the announcement has not come, and with Trump you never know if he is going to do some kind of zig zag.  I think Trump likes the zig zag potential thing, it  keeps his name on the tip of the news.  And what of this six month thing?  If ending DACA is a good thing, why not  just do it?  If keeping DACA is a good thing, why not  just keep it?  And why toss it to congress, the most despised institution in America, to solve it?

And that whole thing about Congress's low popularity is a bit of a canard.  People may despise congress, but a lot  of that comes from dems hating reps and reps hating dems, and generally people like their own congressman better than they like Trump.

I don't know exactly how this will work.  This is too new for the pundits to have debated it endlessly.  You would think with all the dems for keeping DACA and a handful of reps also coming out for it, a bill could be passed, but I think the bill might be the rub.  There would have to be an actual bill and it would have to have details, and they could debate details till the six months runs out.  If a bill passes with all the dems and a handful of reps that would look like a dem victory and the reps can't like that.

And here's a thing, Sessions is supposed to announce this, and Trump hates Sessions, could this be some little ploy of Trump's to embarrass Sessions by changing his mind after Sessions announces it?.  Doesn't seem likely but we are talking about quantum foam here.

It's been a half hour since I started this post and there still has been no announcement.   In fact there is no announced time, just sometime this morning.

And in the meantime all those kids sit in limbo.

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