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Monday, September 11, 2017

Peeking through the clouds

In the previous discussion of DACA the topic of marriage came up and the details are still fuzzy to me.  I guess it isn't as simple as marrying a US citizen; the Feds have some legal hoops to jump through even though marriage laws are determined by the states themselves and not the federal government.  Whatever.  But that got me to thinking about other aspects of marriage.  Since same sex marriages are legal in all states and territories (except maybe American Samoa and Indian tribal lands), how about polygamy?  For the Bible thumpers it seems to me that polygamy would be more palatable than same sex marriage and the Mormons and  Islamic folk are sure to back such legislation.  And why stop there?   Maybe group marriages will become a trending thing.  It wouldn't surprise me that such unions already exist in some relationships, albeit informally.  If you stretch the definition of family a bit this could be a good idea, leading to a lower divorce rate and more stable famiies, depending on how you are bent.  I don't think the US Constitution mentions "living in sin."  This isn't the weirdest notion I've been pondering lately and I thought I should toss it into the mix and see what happens.


Two hurricanes, two different dramas, and two types of news  coverage.  Were the ratings of Harvey so high that the media decided to pump up the coverage of Irma?  I don't know, it seems like Houston had a lot more damage, even if Florida suffered  over a wider area and was a more compelling tale affecting more people.  But the physical damage to Florida seems trivial to that of Houston's.  Florida's big loss is to agriculture and tourism, but Houston's industry and shipping took a real big hit and may prove more costly in the long run.  I haven't heard the pundits discussing this yet but they're bound to say something.

Then there's Jose.  It looked like it was going to head north and peter out, but no.  Forecasts this morning indicated that Jose is going to do a loop-de-loop and head west again in the next few days.  If it does and builds up in strength to a Cat 4 storm it may set a new record if it makes landfall in the US.  I don't think that's ever happened before, three Cat 4 storms in a single season.  Well, records are made to be broken, aren't they?  And we're only in the middle of the hurricane season, which runs until November.  Yikes!   What's next?


At least the hurricane coverage has provided a slim silver lining in that all matters Trump have taken a back seat, which I found refreshing but is not sure to last.  Some snippets I've seen lately indicate that more subpoenas are going out, more questions are arising, and yeah, ol' Donny "Two Scoops" is getting in deeper shit.  He is facing his own unique type of storm surge, and I don't think he can keep his head above water much longer.  But that is wishful thinking and idle speculation.  At least I hope he gets nailed on all of his emoluments shenanigans.  That guy is an unrepentant money grubber of the first order.  They should get Pence, too, as long as they are at it.  Didn't he lie to Congress about some stuff?  That would be the best "two for one" deal I've seen in a long time.

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