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Friday, September 8, 2017

No Northern Lights Here

I just looked out the back door to the north and I didn't see any Northern Lights. To be fair, it's partly cloudy right now, and the view to the north of the house is mostly obscured by trees. If there has been increased solar activity lately, it might explain why I couldn't get on the internet last night, but I don't think so. Today I checked the cable that feeds my satellite signal from the dish to the modem and found it to be a little loose. Why is it always the last thing you check?

I never did like the way congress piggy backs bills the way that they do. I don't think it's unconstitutional, but it still sucks. The governors of some states have the option of a line item veto, but the president does not. All he can do is veto the whole thing or sign the whole thing. There is something called a "pocket veto" that we learned about in school, but I don't remember hearing that it was actually done in my lifetime. A pocket veto is when the president refuses to either sign or veto a bill, figuratively puts it in his pocket and forgets about it. After so many days, the bill becomes law without his signature. I suppose a president might do that if there were parts of a bill that he didn't like but he didn't want to veto the whole bill. For all practical purposes, it's as if he signed the bill, but he could always say that he didn't.

Some people collect guns like some people collect antiques or pieces of art. There are also people who like to buy, sell, and swap stuff like that. I suppose there are worse things they could do with their time and money. There is an old saying that guns never lose their value, until you try to sell them. There is another old saying about saving old stuff, I think it comes from the Czechs or the Poles: "It's good if you never use it."

Too bad that those illegal kids can't become citizens by marrying one. Now that gay marriage is allowed, they would have twice as many chances to find someone willing to go along with it.

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