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Thursday, September 7, 2017

playing footsie with satan

So now Trump crosses the reps by going to the dems for that debt limit thing.  I had to rub my eyes on that one a couple times.  Probably a good idea.  Of course the regular republicans are outraged, well sort of.  They're still too scared of Trump to be properly outraged by him the way they got about  Obama when he wore a tie they didn't like the color of, which was any color.

But what of  the hard core Trumpists, which way do they go?  Can they follow the amber asshole over to the blue side?  Does Trumpism trump party lines?  Can the dems after sneering at Trump and sneering at the reps for playing footsie with the devil now rub toes with Beelzebub?  Oh not likely, this is probably just some momentary aberration.  Just a quirk in the quantum foam, a carbon atom shooting off a photon which banged against a another atom in greatest brain in America in the morning under the golden dome.

You know, probably this whole thing where they piggy back one bill unto another is a bad deal.  I am thinking specifically of how the wall is going to be dropped like an anchor on any DACA bill, but I admit there are plenty of times when my dems have done the same kind of thing to boost a bill or drop something they wanted, but the reps didn't, onto a bill that the reps couldn't  vote against.  I don't know exactly how something like this would get implemented.  I reckon you would have to get under the hood of How Government Works and I'll leave this to our expert on that subject.  There is a line item veto that seems to come and go, but I think it only applies in certain cases.

Oh Beagles you will be worrying about them taking Old Betsy from your cold dead hands until grim old death himself pries her from your cold dead hands.  Old Obama never made a move to pry Old Betsy away, but he was a dem and probably had made a disparaging mention of guns a time or two during his career and that was plenty for you gun nuts, and certainly for Li'l Wayne Lapierre to whip up a frenzy.  I've read that those gun sales were not people buying their first guns, but folks who already had a ton of guns buying another ton,

You know I have one vacuum cleaner.  When it breaks down I'll buy another, but not till then because what would I do with two vacuum cleaners?  I only have one floor.  But most gun owners have a passel.  Oh some of them have like one their pappy gave them and one that doesn't work but they keep it because the stock is genuine red oak, and one for target practice, and one for big game, and one for little game, and one for that intruder coming through the door.  But a lot of them have a bunch of the same kind, because, because I guess they look good lined up on that rack,  Makes them feel safe you know.

As long as we are talking about guns, they just busted a guy here for shipping guns he bought at gun shows in Arkansas up to Chicago.  I mention this because Li'l Wayne points to Chicago's murder rate and its tight gun controls like the latter is a factor in the former

Alright now just a guy without a hypothetical wife here (I have two cats but they don't care what I think) so I can't tell when I am up to tomfoolery, but what if we gave names to Kim III's missile and bomb tests?  Oh wait that would encourage him.  What if we gave them names but spelled them backwards?

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