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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hot-headed, or not

This goes back a few months and is of little importance, but it has stuck in my head and I can't quite figure it out.  Mr. Beagles was stationed in West Berlin; okay, I get that.  And he went on field exercises, driving a 3/4 ton truck, and I get that, too.  But since West Berlin was in Eastern Germany, did they drive to West Germany to conduct the field maneuvers or did they have a special deal with East Germany and leased some land to go mess around in the field?  This question does not need an immediate response as it is merely idle curiosity.

I don't remember Old Dog asking me about  Beaglestonian before, but I am happy to answer.

It was quite some time ago, maybe a year, at one of the seminars and I think the topic changed before an answer was given.  In any case, the Ruby Dew answer is more than sufficient, so carry on.


Not buying your 'hothead' notion yet, Uncle Ken.  I think a better term would be 'chronically impulsive.'  We often make and act on decisions based on little or no factual information.  "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"  There is so much information available today that we often act before carefully considering all sides of an issue.  There are some people that have definite ideas about certain groups of other/different people based solely on their latest news source, and not based on personal experience with those groups.  Unless you live in a metropolitan area, it isn't likely that you'll interact with gays, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, Pakistanis, and other different folks on a daily basis.  And you know what?  They all act pretty much like normal people everywhere; if you're not being a jerk neither will they.  There are exceptions, of course, but that has been my experience.

Impulsive decision making is not limited to the US, although we may carry it further than folks in other nations.  Imagine some guy in Europe, Africa, or Asia, with a limited knowledge of the American people and he then does an image search for "people of Walmart."  He may well wonder why we are proud to Americans and why so many people are crapping their pants.  I wonder, too, which is why I don't like going to Walmart.


Jeez, my weather prediction was way off and Puerto Rico really got hammered, as if they didn't have enough problems already.  Given their preexisting financial crisis how can they hope to rebuild?  It's going to take a lot of money, and once Trump looks at the figures it wouldn't surprise me if he says, "Congratulations!  You are independent now and no longer a US territory.  Good Luck!"  There is still a wall to be built and paid for.

By the way, the next hurricanes will be named Nate and Ophelia in case you were wondering.


Finally, here's a pithy thought attributed to Aristotle: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

So, now I have to rethink 'hothead,' which one definition states is "a person who is impetuous or who easily becomes angry and violent."

Note the word 'OR.'  If Uncle Ken means impetuous, I'll buy it.

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