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Thursday, September 14, 2017

the kids are alright

I looked up Old Dog's link, but it was near the end of my day, and seemed kind of complicated and it  was one of those pesky sites that wanted to know if I was going to sign up and had all kinds of crap on it.  I came away thinking that it was unlikely that it would ever come about, and wasn't that what the ERA was all about?  Beagles clarifies it a little.  I guess there is one way to get an amendment and another to call a constitutional convention.  Seems a little unfair because while half the people are blue maybe two thirds of the states are red.  Especially irksome for me are those gas giants in the west that get two senators for like a million people and all they are interested in is turning their highways into autobahns and turning their parks into industrial parks.

Of course once the constitutional convention gets started there may be a different way of allotting voting power, but I am inclined to dismiss the whole thing with a wave of my hand that it will never happen.  Of course I have thought that before.

I have no left column on my page, but at the top right there is a link called Design and if I click on that I get comments and like groovy ways to set up the page with wild and wacky colors and what all.  Those comments appear to be just flotsam and jetsam of cyberspace.  Who knows?  Who cares?.

There's been a little discussion locally, NPR brought it up, about the way high school boys in CPS swam naked,  I have to admit it seemed a little weird to me at the time (Anymore it seems very weird), but then a lot of things seemed weird, it just seemed like one of those things.  Schools indeed vary in what they pledge at the beginning of the school day and how they do lunch and whatnot.  When I first started subbing I was really embarrassed and thought all hell would break loose when I addressed a long-haired boy as a girl.  But it was no big deal to the kids, they just shrugged, happens all the time.  That's why I don't think it bothers the kids, just the parents.  Even though we Chicago educators lamented the way parents were uninvolved in the schools there were times when we were glad that, unlike the small town and suburban parents. they mostly didn't give a shit.

My apologies for misrepresenting Old Dog.  I was taking his comment about how he was glad that at least during the hurricanes we weren't getting all that political (I admit, though I love it) claptrap.  I put the words of Travis Bickel from Taxi Driver into his mouth, to be snazzy I guess, but I didn't mean to imply that Old Dog was heartless.

You know I am not heartless either, no really, but all those shots of intrepid newsmen stomping around in muck and interviewing saddened but resolute locals, I find it boring.  Not the way I feel about pols and pundits lying and jawing at each other.  Okay call me sick.

Yar the Yellowstone Caldera, kind of like our local meteor heading towards us at high speed.  While the world trembles at the words of the Beaglestonian, the Caldera just trembles.  So it goes.

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