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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Muddled thinking

As you guys continue to chew on the nature and identity of the They/Them group(s) who are behind all of today's woes, I think they are hiding in plain sight.  There is no one cohesive group but many smaller groups or organizations, some commercial, some political, and some social, all with their own agendas, looking out for their own best interests (whatever they may be).  Temporary alliances may be formed when their interests overlap but by and large I think they stick to their own areas.

But I'm still thinking on it it and have not come to any conclusions despite the many fine arguments from you guys.  And then I think of the nature of political and social power and how it's always been "wheels within wheels," and it's the guys at the bottom who carry the weight.  If you end up being whipped does it really matter who has the whip hand?

Speaking of "Them," have either of you any thoughts on things like the Bilderberg Group, or the World Economic Forum that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland, or those folks romping in Bohemian Grove?  All likely candidates to be "Them."


So far I've only viewed the first episode of The Vietnam War and I found it revealing.  I didn't know that Ho Chi Minh was such a big fan of Thomas Jefferson and made so many appeals to the US government for support in the quest for independence from the French and unification of the country.

I wonder why the US has been so inconsistent in supporting independence for various nations and groups.  Don't we want all countries to be self governing, by the people?  Unless they are commies, of course, or otherwise contrary to our best interests, which again may mean following the money.  The results of the Kurdish election aren't in yet, but I think the US opposes the idea of an independent state of Kurdistan, something to do with destabilizing our efforts in Iran and causing more problems with Turkey.  I still don't know what we are doing there or hope to accomplish but not much good seems to be coming from our efforts.

I guess my major issue is that the US keeps talking out both sides of it's mouth.  We don't like the Commies, yet our biggest trading partner is China.  We support human rights and oppose terrorism, yet we have sweet deals with the Saudis and their religiously oppressive government and schools for Islamic extremism.  We support free trade, but now we are jeopardizing agreements with Britain, of all places, wanting high tariffs for aircraft that the US isn't even making.  The US should either make up it's mind or get out of the game.


Sorry that I;m getting worked up about all this, but, what the hell, not much is making sense to me.  Mountains are being made out of mole hills and bigger things are being swept under the rug.  The folks in Washington don't seem to know what the hell they're doing except blaming the other guys, and formerly reliable sources of news are no longer credible.  Have the chickens come home to roost?

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