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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Broken Clock

Don't get me wrong, I still don't like Trump as a person, but this time he's right. It's like that old saying: "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." DACA is not a law that was passed by congress, it's another one of Obama's executive orders. The thing about executive orders is that they're only good until another executive comes along and un-orders them. In this case, Obama ordered his people to not enforce the law and Trump ordered his people to resume enforcing it. The US Constitution says that the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" (Article II, Section 3). I don't think that means he shall selectively enforce only the laws that he likes. If a law becomes unworkable or unpopular, it should be repealed. No good can come from keeping a law on the books and not enforcing it. I think the reason for the six month delay is to provide congress the opportunity to come up with something that works before sending all those kids back where they came from. It's not the kids fault anyway, it's their parents fault for bringing them into the country illegally. I don't know if anything has been done to punish those parents, but it should have been.

Speaking of punishing people, they've got to do something about that Kim. I put him in his place once, but he didn't stay there long. It seems like they should be able to hack into his missiles and make them blow up on their launch pads. Better yet, have them launch and then turn around and target Kim's house. Don't tell me it can't be done, if they can put a man on the Moon, they can do anything.

Now there's another hurricane bearing down on us, and they haven't even cleaned up the mess from the last one yet. What's up with that? I think the mistake they made was when they started giving those things names. It just encourages them. It was bad enough when they only used girls' names but, when they started using boys' names as well, it gave the hurricanes twice as many chances to get us. By the way, I ran this idea by my hypothetical wife this morning and she thought it was stupid, but I'm posting it anyway. Ain't no hypothetical woman telling me what to write!

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