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Monday, September 11, 2017

What's Next Indeed!

Years ago, when they first started talking about gay marriage, somebody asked me why I was opposed to it. I replied, "If they pass this, then what's next?" Well the first thing that was next was those goofy people who wanted to use the wrong bathrooms. Last I heard, Trump had put a stop to that. Good for him! Say what you want about Trump, he has done some good things since he took office, and this was one of them. Some time ago, National Geographic had an article about the whole  gender bender issue and, of course, it's way more complicated than I thought. Nevertheless, I still think it sucks.

Back in my card carrying days, the Libertarians took an interesting position on the subject. They believed that marriage was a religious matter, and none of the government's business. Of course they believe that most things are none on the government's business, so I took it with a grain of salt. Later, when gay marriage was on the verge of passing, I said that I would rather give up all the legal and financial benefits that marriage brings than let the gays have them too. Perhaps I spoke rashly, but it's something to think about. I wonder what would happen if the government got clean out of the marriage business. Anybody could marry anybody they want and the government wouldn't have anything to say about it. There would be some disruptions in people's lives at first, but it seems like everybody would adjust eventually and live happily ever after.

I was tired of hearing about the last two hurricanes long before either of them made landfall. I suppose it's a big deal, but so are all those wildfires out West. Last I heard, they were still burning, and they must be causing hardships for lots of people. It just occurred to me that they should redirect the next hurricane to the fire zones. That would be a "win-win" for everybody. I mean, if they can put a man on the Moon...........

I got an email notification today that a certain Mark Warner put a comment on our site. I checked it out, and it doesn't seem to relate to anything we have been talking about. There is also a previous comment by a Ruth Bently that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Does anybody know either of these people? If not, I will delete their comments. I also noticed a number of "&#39s" scattered throughout our other comments. This is probably some kind of glitch in the system, and I don't know whether or not we can, or should, do anything about it.

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