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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Trump on Immigration

I suppose that people voted for Trump for a number of different reasons, not the least of which is his position on immigration. Of course he has said some stupid things about it, but the fact still remains that immigration has been out of control in this country for some time, and Trump was the only candidate who promised to do something about it.

I know this country was built by immigrants, but most of them were legal immigrants who went through some kind of screening process to get in. I don't know how long they have been allowing Mexicans to get in under the wire, but I think it dates way back. In the old days they were mostly seasonal farm workers who were a source of cheap labor, which was probably why they were allowed in. They were not expected to stay here, just take whatever money they made and sneak back across the border until next time. At some point many of them began to settle in the big cities, but you guys would know more about that than I do. Now we've got drug smugglers going back and forth across the border with impunity, or so I've been told. Living where I do, the only information I have about the subject is what I read in the paper or see on TV.

I'm not sure that the Islamic terrorism issue has any connection to the Mexican issue. I read up some on the recent travel ban order, and I tend to agree with Uncle Ken that it was ill advised. Trump should have took some time and crafted a more reasonable proposal, but Trump is Trump. After eight years of Obama's open door policy, Trump certainly has his work cut out for him. Maybe he's the wrong man for the job but, like it or not, he's the guy who has the job.

I stand by my "monkeys in the zoo" statement. I wish I had made it up, but I heard it or read it somewhere a long time ago. Again, living where I live, the only demonstrators I have seen were on TV, and that's what they looked like to me, monkeys in the zoo. Do they actually hope to persuade others to support their cause by such antics? It seems to me that it would have the opposite effect on most people. Then again, there were those commercials for Mountain Dew some years ago. The basic message was, "If you drink Mountain Dew, you will go nuts and jump off a cliff." And that made people buy the stuff! It's like that famous guy said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people."

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