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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Reserving the right to be wrong

Whoaa...Lesley Gore.  That girl could sing her ass off; great set of pipes.  Have you seen video clips of her at the 1964 T.A.M.I show?  Quite a performance by a teen of such tender years, but I find her subject matter amusing, with a possible hidden subtext.  She was a lesbian, not that there's anything wrong with that.  Anyhow, I always liked Brenda Lee more.


"Do you want to see the country over run by terrorists, drug dealers, and other assorted bad guys?"

Meaning no disrespect, but that sounds like something directly out of the 1984 playbook with the invention of the constant enemy.  I think those threats are greatly exaggerated with the intention of ceding more power to the authorities while removing freedoms from the citizenry at large.  It's a touchy issue, I know, but I'm willing to agree to disagree and not discuss it any further.


I think any accolades for #45 because he is keeping his campaign promises are bunk and hokum.  During the campaign, I recall his supporters claiming that he doesn't really mean what he says, it's all part of the electioneering bloviation common to all candidates, and once elected he will become "more presidential."  In less than two weeks of holding office this humble observer has not seen much behavior that can be described as presidential.  If, during a prayer breakfast, you ask for prayers of higher ratings for Arnold Schwarzenegger's performance on The Celebrity Apprentice are you being presidential?  Maybe it was said in a joking manner to relax the crowd, I don't know.  That's the big problem; you never know what he really means when he says anything and certain things, once said, can not be taken back or ignored.  International diplomacy is not historically known as a laff riot, full of jocularity.  He's walking on thin ice and not making many friends among global leaders, thus far, if the (alleged) recent calls to Australia and Mexico are going to be typical of his approach.  Being so confrontational with your allies, so early in the administration, does not bode well.

One campaign promise he made was to negotiate lower prices of prescription drugs for the Medicaid program.  But, after meeting with some Big Pharma bigwigs, that promise seems to have fallen by the wayside, surely a coincidence.


The less said about his cabinet picks the better; except for the generals none of his choices seem eminently qualified.  They seem, to me, more willing to follow orders than to lead their departments with a free and knowledgeable hand.  Didn't he promise to pick the "very best" people for his cabinet?  Seems to me they all come from a very short list of his show biz and billionaire business pals.  His call, but I don't like it.  Instead of moving forward I expect movement backwards, especially regarding environmental issues.  I hope I'm wrong.

All of this ties into some posts I've read on Scott Adams' (of Dilbert fame) blog.  The non-traditional political approach is like that of the business entrepreneur: move quickly, make changes, and replace people when needed.  This is born out in his campaign; he started with Lewandowski, then Malafort, and finally Conway.  Heads rolled as needed, and it worked out quite well for him; brutal, but effective.  Not sure, though, how that approach will work out for the long term.


Here are a couple of off-topic articles I've read recently, which may be of passing interest:
     "Eating vegetable oils could lead to fatigue, migraines and dementia"
     "Eating Ice Cream For Breakfast May Improve Mental Performance And Alertness,
      Study Says"

More fake news, no doubt, but I thought they were worth consideration even if a bit fanciful.

And, in the spirit of my previous posts of bad fiction, here is a most unlikely scenario:

#45 does something really stupid, costing many innocent lives.  He is brought before the World Court, found guilty, and spends his remaining days in a prison cell in the Hague.  Adding insult to injury, his name is removed from all buildings and never spoken again in polite company.

I do not claim to be delusion-free.

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