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Monday, February 20, 2017

street fighting men

I have heard of that documentary, Kedi, also and of course it will go into my queue,  I saw The Handmaiden last week, and it was a good one, South Korean, grim, and dare I say, erotic.,  This Saturday I saw Lincoln Lawyer which was okay, I guess, except that I had hoped for more sleazy lawyer stuff, when Hollywood has a hero they always make him too damn noble and goody two shoes.

About dogs and morality having an almost human like sense of morality, well of course, they are pack animals, altruism is in their genes.  This is what I mean about morality preceding religion. Interesting that the researchers speak of dogs and not wolves.  But despite the odd shapes they have been bred into, I expect they share most all their genes with wolves.  One wonders how being raised by great apes with humongous brains effects the morality of the average dog in the street.

That  Dump rally turned out to be so much meh.  I have to admit I watched it.  It was just a repeat of the shit storm press conference, but without the element of surprise and without reporters to insult to their faces there just wasn't much to stir the souls of men.  I wonder if he has reached his limit.  Outside of hurling feces I don't  know where there is for him to go.

Old Dog appears to be referencing some kind of violence between Trumpists and anti Trumpists, and I am surprised it has not happened, you'd think there would be roving gangs of the former bursting into Starbucks and smashing laptops and roving games of the latter breaking into Joe's Bait Shop and overturning cans of worms, but so far that war seems to be being fought in the pages of facebook.  I wonder if facebook is acting like some kind of safety valve, and if that is a good thing.

Living a two streets from Trump Tower I see plenty of demonstrations, the cops block the bridges so all the action is on the other side of the river, easily viewed from my balcony.  They rant and rave but generally they are well-behaved.  When they get to marching they do tie up traffic, but hell traffic is always getting tied up, but the extend to the violence is a broken window or two.

Back in the day, demonstrations were nonviolent too, until I believe it was in the spring of 1968, maybe Madison Wisconsin, when cops were pelted with bottles and rocks, and after that it became standard fare at any big demonstration.  It didn't seem right to me at the time.  I thought our goal was like in civil rights to get the other side to overreact and then when the press saw our bloody heads they would say oh those awful cops and then they would end the war.  I was aware that that last step was pretty sketchy, but it just seemed the way to go.  

Fighting the cops never made sense.  Maybe dope had something to do with it, we were always afraid of getting busted so they were the enemy.  And there was that sixties vibe.  I guess it was it's own version of bullgoose loony.

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