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Monday, February 6, 2017

Trump is Trump

I don't understand why we have to call Trump anything but Trump. During the primary campaign Uncle Ken had nicknames for all the candidates and all it did was confuse me. Truth be known, I wasn't familiar with the real names of many of them. I said at the time that there were way too many Republican candidates, nobody could keep track of them all. I also said that one reason  Trump won the nomination was that he was the only candidate who everybody had heard of before.

Although we all seem to agree that Trump is an asshole, I doubt that we will ever agree about the virtue of his policies, since I am on the opposite end of the political spectrum as you guys. As I have said more than once on this forum, I agree with most of what Trump is trying to do, I just wish it was somebody else trying to do it. There was some speculation during the campaign that Trump might be a "Trojan Horse" whose mission was to give the Republican Party a bad name. If that was the case, he certainly wasn't supposed to win, but he won anyway. It has occurred to me that the Trojan Horse might have slipped his collar, and now nobody knows how to put it back on him. Well too bad for them! That's what you get when you go naming your horse after rubbers. (I make small joke.)

I have never participated in any street demonstrations, not even when the Tea Party was doing them. Large crowds make me nervous anyway, and most of the demonstrators I've seen on TV reminded me of monkeys in the zoo, screeching and jumping up and down, making a public spectacle of themselves.

I had not heard of the detention center proposal, but it sounds reasonable to me. When a big mob swarms across the border, you need some way to gather them in a secure place so you can properly "vet" them. They used to have a place like that on Ellis Island, but that was when most of the immigrants came from Europe on ships. Now we would need one in each international airport, as well as several of them stationed at intervals along the Wall. All that new construction is bound to help the economy, so it would be what they call a "win-win".

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