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Friday, February 17, 2017

all dump all the time

From the mid sixties to the mid eighties I had no truck with tv.  People would offer me their old tvs and I would decline because I did not want  to rot my mind.  How quaint that thought is today in the age of the internet.  At any rate I did accept one in the mid eighties.  All the time I had been without I had been seeing these capsule accounts in the newspapers, This week in the soaps.  Wow, what was going out there in Genoa City?

Now that I had a tv I would find out.  But there were so many of them.  I would have to spend all morning and afternoon glued to the tube, so I picked one that ran around lunchtime and that would be the only one I would watch and I have been faithful to that to this day.

So yesterday I was preparing my lunch, watching CNN before the soap came on.  Dump was going to announce his new nominee for secretary of labor, and maybe he would answer a few questions.  Well you know I can't look away, so I began my meal with the camera on a podium in some White House room, the commentators whispering like they were at a golf tournament, but by the time my soap came on there was still no dump.  So I tuned into the soap thinking I will look back during the commercial.

Victor was taking over Jack's company, Jill had some kind of heart attack, Lauren couldn't keep her hands off the Italian stallion and was driving her little red sports car to the cheating part of town, and then boom BREAKING NEWS and Genoa City was wiped away by the yellow tornado.

So that whole prelude was just to let you know that regularly scheduled network programming was interrupted by the announcement of a secretary of labor.

But of course it was no mere announcement of a secretary of labor, it was a tirade followed by a bear baiting of the press.  My meal was eaten, the lazy boy was inviting me over for my post lunch nap and still it went on.  I finally succumbed to the charms of the chair with dump still ranting, and ranting still when I awoke.

It was all the usual stuff, just more of it.  There was a time when dump could get notice by being outrageous, but that has become ho hum, so now he has to be outrageous at length.  One takeaway, right at the beginning he announced that he had the highest electoral vote since Reagan.  When a reporter said that there had been four or five higher margins since then, dump said something like well, it was something he heard. But he gave it up, and went on to something else.  He didn't claim that it was true because millions of people said it was and that the lying press was well, lying about it.

It was a rare bow to reality, but it was a flash in the pan, and he just went back to the usual crapola, and when he was finally done the chaps at CNN went on and on about it, until i left to have a meal with my nephew and his girlfriend and instead of reminiscing about times gone by we went on and on about dump.

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