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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Ganesha Be Praised!

I used to know a chant about Ganesha, not sure of the spelling but it went something like this:
"Om Ganesha namaha......Ganga na na jai jai ganga anana." There was a group at Bliss Fest one year, I bought a cassette tape of them, which gives you a hint about how long ago it was. I still have it somewhere. I suppose I could dig it out and refresh my memory of that chant, but who's got time for that? Anyway, these guys were from Ann Arbor, Michigan and I was told they were Buddhists, but the chants they performed seemed to be about Hindu gods. I thought they were cool, so afterwards I got a book from the library about Hinduism. I thought that Hinduism made a lot of sense in theory, although I understand that it isn't always so pretty in practice, which can be said about a lot of religions.

See, the spellchecker flagged most of my Hindu words, which is not surprising, although it did approve of Om, ganga, and one of the jais, but not the other one, which is puzzling. I clicked on the spellcheck icon, both left and right. The left click got me nothing, and the right click got me four things, none of which seemed to be about spellchecking. (Select All, Print, Inspect Element, and View Source)....Go figure!

Outlook is indeed a Microsoft product, it replaced Windows Live Mail, which replaced Windows Mail, which replaced Outlook Express. My original g-mail account comes from Google, and the Outlook program is supposed to interface with that and display my mail with more options. Most of those options will never be used by me, and I seem to be able to do everything I want to with my Google program. I would let it go at that, but I paid for this thing, and it's supposed to work. In trying to solve this, I came across a notice that there is a Windows 10 upgrade that I need to download, but that didn't work either. It told me to check my settings, but it didn't tell me what my settings are supposed to be to enable this download......And the saga continues.

I quit drinking Milwaukee's Best when they changed their formula a few months ago. I tried Miller Genuine Draft, which I used to like, but it doesn't taste like I remember it. I then tried Busch, which is not a Miller product. I don't remember what that used to taste like, but they haven't changed their formula since 1950, and that's good enough for me.

I have held some lower level leadership positions, both in the army and at the paper mill. Not really management, more like a working foreman or straw boss. If there were three or four people who knew less about the job than I did, they would put me in charge of them. As in, "Take these four guys and go dig a hole." The last few years at the paper mill, they referred to me as a coordinator or a resource. 1984 was about the time I worked on a team that installed a new computerized control system in our process. That was my first experience with computer technology, and they said I had a talent for it. They sent me to Honeywell in Phoenix, Arizona for a week of training, and then I came back and trained the other operators. After the mill closed in 1990, I had no further dealings with computers until my daughter lured me into PCs in 2000.

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