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Thursday, February 2, 2017

my dander is up a bit

Never a fan of Leslie in Judy's turn to cry.  Johnny takes up with Judy who seems like a nice enough girl, ok maybe a man stealer, but not an evil little bitch like Leslie who planted one on some innocent bystander (it could have been any of us) just so that Johnny could smack him, and then she's all hearts and flowers.  Psycho bitch if you ask me.

There is no logical way to think that barring people from those seven countries (where dumbo does not have business interests) will keep out any terrorists, inasmuch as none has ever come from any of them.  But then you want to take the treasure of Beaglesonia to build this yuge wall, that probably won't keep many people out.  I guess you are one of those guys who sees things you don't like so you are all fired up to do something about it, but don't particularly care if those things are effective as long as something is being done.  I guess you also believe that the illegals vote in the face of zero evidence.

Maybe I'm a little harsh for the Beaglestonian tradition of civility, but I don't think dumbo is anything like the traditional exchange of power between the reps and the dems.

I see where the current  issue of the New Yorker has an article on The Good Place.  I get the magazine around the middle of the week, but outside of a quick scan of the table of contents I don't open the cover until Friday night when I am ensconced on the Brown Line heading north, the beginning of my wild weekend.  It is then that I will read this article.  I'm always suspicious of these tv shows that get the nod from the critics because well, they are tv, and often when I have sampled some of the critic approved shows they are only slightly less dimwitted than The Big Bang.

 I could have just edited my post when I learned that I had posted erroneous information, but I wanted to see how that comment thing worked.  After I posted it my comments showed up clearly on the page, but  I guess by the time it arrived on the north side, and in the frigid north it had become merely that whispered little 1 comment  Kudos for Old Dog and his sharp old eyes.

Never that big a fan of CNN because they tended to do things like spend three days showing nothing but Michael Jackson's funeral, but I do think they have the best crew of political commentators among the networks.  And now dumbo has banned (maybe it's only for 90 days until he extremely vets Blitzer, an operation that is likely to involve a red hot poker) his people from that network.  Just as well actually because they had nothing to say but what they thought dumbo wanted them to say, and they were and are extremely rude in that bully boy way that I described in my last post so I won't miss them too much.

But the subject of the lamestream media has come up, and indeed it is a puzzlement.  So much news, how do you choose?  I think you listen to the big names first because they have the most to lose if they are wrong, but if course you have to vet them a bit, you can't just take things at face value, and some of the big names (Foxies) have a rep for repeating bullshit without vetting it, so that takes them down a notch.  But what to do with an article that you get from a friend who got it fishing and you have never heard of the site or the author?

Well it was well written, I give that some credit.  And it was calm, I give that some credit too.  Some of his six points were familiar to me, some were a little obscure, those state department guys who were fired instead of quit, he cited the Manchester Guardian(?) for standing behind it.  I've heard of the paper but I an not familiar with it, so I don't know.  That Russian thing, I didn't understand that financial talk, and was he saying that this would be a pipeline for the Russkies to funnel money to dumbo for favors received?  I wasn't sure.  It was a little too loosey goosey for me to line up behind it, but I will keep it in mind.

I've heard of the Voos/Blackwater connection.  It looks like she may have a bit of trouble squeaking in.  I don't think any of the other basket of deplorables will get knocked off.  Actually I don't see where it's a big deal, I think the prez should get to choose who he wants, and if you don't like these guys there are plenty of other billionaire blackgruards that dumbo can choose from.

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