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Thursday, March 1, 2018

what say you, Gentlemen?

I have to tell you that I considered the Albigensians and Cathars as prots until The Scourge lowered the boom.  But you know he is a Lutheran, schooled in the arcane Lutheran arts.  He claims not to remember any of that stuff, but perhaps he is sworn to secrecy.  Actually I have noticed that sometimes on a seminar when the conversation would drift to the Norsemen his eyes would glaze over and you could sense he was dreaming of the days when his folk wore those horned hats and sailed the icy seas bound for booty, instead of being the boring nanny staters that they are in the present day.  They haven't fielded an invasion since the Swedish bikini team and where are they now?  Yeah where are they?  Really?

Actually Old Dog has assured me, in that sniffy way that those who see themselves as aggrieved minorities adopt, that vikings never wore horned hats.  Frankly I don't see why anybody would deny that their ancestors wore horned hats.  If the hero of Beagles and myself, Ottokar the Great, had worn a horned helmet it would only make our Bohunk hearts beat faster.  I did some internet research on the topic thinking it would be Cecil B Demille who was at fault for those horny hats, but it turns out that it was Wagner's set designer.  Which is kind of classy.

As I was riding the google machine I peeked into Cecil B Demille. He never did a Viking film, though he did do a movie on the Crusades.  I wonder if it's worth a Saturday evening. And before I dismounted the machine I looked up the Swedish bikini team  Sadly, though they have had a couple bit parts they have never had their own movie.  How about the The Fantanas?   Sigh.

Anyway our very own Hussites were apparently before the cut as far as being protestants.  Heretics, you know, has a nice fiery ring, like, I daresay, wearing a horned helmet, but maybe not that Wagnerian dignity, more a Cecil B Demille vibe.  Perhaps gentlemen, it is time to don our contemplative robes and step into the Hall of Truth and decide if Lutherans and Wagner are on one side, and Hussites and Demille on the other, to which side go the Swedish bikini team and the Fantanas?  Myself I am putting the Swedish bikini team with the Lutherans and Wagner and the Fantanas with the Hussites and Cecil B Demille.  What say you Gentlemen?

I don't think I agree with Beagles about the Crusaders being extinct.  Aren't our forces all over the mideast like stink on shit with no apparent purpose even as I speak?

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