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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Running on empty

Schools can be big places with a lot of entrances and I don't think adding a few cops will make much of a difference except provide a false sense of security.  A few handguns are no match for a highly motivated and deranged mope with an assault rifle, and regular cops aren't trained for that kind of confrontation.  You would need a team, equipped with body armor and well trained in special weapons and tactics (SWAT) to take the guy down, and the collateral damage would be extensive.  I can't think of any practical solution to this mess, and arming teachers is a bad idea.  Weapons training is not trivial, and it takes a lot of practice to stay sharp.  You can be  a good teacher or a good armed guard but I don't think you can be both.  As a former substitute teacher maybe Uncle Ken should weigh in.  Would he have been happy packing heat in his classes?


Before I get mired in a meaningless discussion of film criticism, I'd like to know which movies meet Uncle Ken's standards of goodness, going back as far as he wishes.  Did The Godfather suck because of its portrayal of Italian-Americans or for some other reason?

And I hope it's not too late for him to delete Buckaroo Banzai from his Netflix queue.  He won't like it one bit.  He shouldn't watch Makkhi either, the film from India about a guy who is reincarnated as a housefly and seeks vengeance on the guy who killed him.


Although not discussed recently, philosophy has been a recurring topic in the Institute.  I thought you guys might like reading about some philosophers who changed their minds. 
Flip flops

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