And when Boog just kept collecting knowledge from the rest of the tribe so that he became the wise man of the tribe that the rest of the tribe could tap into. He wasn't always right, and sometimes he probably lied, but you were better off listening to him than Hoog who just sat around the fire all day complaining that everybody in the tribe was a crook..
And then the Greeks established their academies and we got universities and we figured out how to build bridges and split the atom, and now we have the internet and The Institute. We have medical schools and we have medical research labs and more guys in white coats than you can shake a stick at, and doctors even in the far northern reaches of the freehold. Dollars to doughnuts had Beagles consulted his doctor the doctor would have said get the shots. If he had been paying attention to his tv and newspaper he would have heard them say many times, that while it is no guarantee, your odds of avoiding the flu are better with the shot, had he done some internet research he would have seen the opinion was almost universal that he should get the shots.
Well perhaps Beagles did get this knowledge, but then he had to balance it with the knowledge of that knowledgeable group (doubtless descendents of Hoog) which he identifies as some people, who said "Nah, those guys don't know shit, they're all a bunch of crooks." Faced with these two two opposing views Beagles chose the latter and now he is sick. I imagine when he has trouble with the truck he takes it into the mechanic and after listening politely he drives to the nearest bar and asks the guy on the next barstool what he thinks about his truck troubles.
Ten thousand years of civilization and the Hoogites are still among us and people are still listening to them. Kleenex seems like a wise investment.
What I originally said was that there will be no gummint program to send guns into the hallways. Beagles responded that some schools are already doing that. Quite so I replied but what I said was there would be no gummint program.
It's a waste of money whether it is federal program or a local program. It is a waste of money because it will cost a lot and the shootings it may avoid are very few.
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