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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Not in My Neighborhood

My first election, the one I told youse about, was in 1966. When I said that I didn't have any axes to grind in those days, I meant local axes. I had plenty of national and international axes. If my parents had still been living in Chicago, there would have been axes aplenty but, if there we any axes in Palos Park, I wasn't aware of them. My parents had just recently moved there, and I had only visited them on my 30 day leave in June. I wasn't going to turn 21 until September, but I explained my situation to the clerk, and she let me register. I don't remember, but she probably had me fill out the papers and held them until the appropriate time. Same with the absentee ballot.

By 1968 I was firmly ensconced in Cheboygan, but I don't remember any local axes there either, except maybe the school millage, but that vote was taken at a different time. I voted for George Wallace for president and Republican for everything else. For some reason, I never did like Nixon, even when he was Eisenhower's vice.  I liked Ike okay but, if I could have voted in 1960, I would have voted for JFK. I would have voted for Goldwater in '64 because he was a sworn enemy of those Godless Commies. I knew that he might start a war, which I was looking forward to in those days. I figured we were going to have to eradicate Communism sooner or later and, the longer we waited, the harder it was going to be. From all appearances, they were getting stronger all the time, while we were being sold out by Communist sympathizers in our own government. I didn't know at the time that Nixon was one of them, I just didn't like him. There was something, I don't know, sleazy about him. Ah yes, there were axes aplenty, but not in my neighborhood.

Breaking news, hot off the internet. Discuss.

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