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Friday, March 30, 2018

happy Easter

It appears that Beagles and I are four hours out of synch.  I get up around 5 every morning and I go go bed at nine.  Used to be it was a point of honor to close the bar every night at one and then there would be a couple beers at home.  If I got up at ten I was starting the day pretty early.  When I started a responsible job and had to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (bushy-tailed?) I turned in at eleven and got up at seven.  Since I've retired I seem to be getting up earlier and earlier, six, then five, and lately I've been edging up to four.

Wait a minute.  Beagles spends from suppertime to one AM on the computer?  How long does it take to post?  Seems like there is plenty of time to keep up on current events.

Anyway, I guess the tale of Oog the wise man and Boog and Doog and Foog and that awful Hoog is going nowhere.  But you know what, going back to check on the names I see there is a post by the discerning Old Dog who has the the strange, to me, opinion that not every question can be answered. That seems alien to me.  Offhand I can't think of a question that can't be answered.

Speaking of Old Dog, he was speaking of late of The Death of Stalin which has just lately come out and is getting rave reviews, but I wonder how he was able to see it so early.

I don't follow Old Dog's reasoning for not getting the flu shot.  Of course it's not 100 percent, Google tells me that this year it was only 36 percent effective, but still that's better than nothing isn't it? 

Sometimes I think that there are some people that have no respect for any opinion other than their own.

Hum, is that aimed at any particular member of The Institute?  Well here it is.  If we are talking about oh a painting or a movie, certainly everybody has their own opinion.  If we are talking about who is the greatest third baseman of all time, there are a lot of factors in that so the answer would never be clear, but if we are talking about your odds of getting the flu are better with or without the shot, then the answer seems pretty clear. 

I don't know,  maybe I am too argumentative.  I've heard that before from various other sources.  Everybody is sitting around and wants to have a nice chat and there is that single-minded Uncle Ken hammering away at some point that others have lost interest in. 

Sorry about that.  Here comes Easter.

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