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Friday, March 23, 2018

labor intensive ice cream???

Nomenclature is a weapon of the gun nuts sown to cause confusion among the gun control nuts.  All sorts of bogus arguments are offered again and again even after they have been debunked.  The essential belief is that any advance in gun control is a step closer to prying Old Betsy out of their cold dead hands.  There is no room for reasonable discussion.  There is no application of logic.  It is a dead issue as far as I'm concerned.  There, I have wasted more time on this than I meant to.

Individual communities can waste their money as they please.  What I was speaking of, of course, was action by congress, which will not happen.  There.  Sigh.

I was intending to dive into the cool refreshing space time of ice cream machines, but now I come across the phrase labor intensive and I have lost my interest.

I'm not that incensed about the Cambridge Analytica hoopla as perhaps I should be. I've never been as big on privacy as much of my ilk and the fringe of the Tarians! are. I just don't see it as a threat.  I do see Russian collusion as a threat, not so much as swaying a large number of votes, but this is the Russkies whose aim is our destruction so it's not seemly to be playing footsie with them, or to tut tut playing footsie with them in order to get the supreme court justice of your dreams.

And then there is the issue of high tech politicking in general.  It goes against the Liberal Agenda, or that part of the Liberal Agenda that says we are in the right and logic proves that, so all that we need to do is logically discuss it with our opponents and they can't help but come to our way of believing.  But high tech politicking is like surveying and targeting your audience and just all that crap that is merely technical expertise and can be used for any agenda.  Obama's big machine was cited for having a lot of technical expertise and I was always a little uncomfortable with that.

I said I skipped a lot of that youtube about the hot tub of ice.  It was just too hard to put up with all the hamming up of the participants, a persistent weakness of youtube, the lame presenters who kill interest with their unsnappy patter.

I get the part about the NDAs in gummint not being enforceable but I did not see the part about NDAs not being enforceable in the private sector.  A contract is a contract isn't it?  People use these all the time.  Who said they are not enforceable?  I have long wondered about all these guys who have been fired by Trump and not one of them has said, you know what this guy is an asshole.  What's with that?

Soap opera?  I prefer the term circus, but last night they were interviewing one of those women on CNN, McDougal I think it was and it seemed to be all about what a cad Trump was, which to me is not really the point.

It was my birthday yesterday and everything was going just fine until I got back to my tv and heard about the trade war with China and (shudder) John Bolton.

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