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Friday, March 16, 2018

All Generalizations Are Invalid

I learned that from one of my high school English teachers, Mrs. O'Hara I believe, but I doubt that she originated it. When you say "all" in a statement, all your opponent has to do to prove you wrong is find a single exception. There is really no such thing as "the exception that proves the rule", that's just a figure of speech. You may be able to disprove a rule with one exception, but you are not likely to prove a rule with one exception.

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I thought all kids are hooligans. In my experience, the vast majority of kids are pretty well behaved most of the time. I have discussed the matter with other bus drivers, and the consensus was that 10% of the kids cause 90% of the trouble. I believe that this 10% account for a disproportionate amount of a teacher's time and effort in the classroom as well, but Uncle Ken would know more about that than I. When Jesus was criticized for hanging around with sinners, he replied that well people are in no need of a physician. While that may be true, physicians are in business to treat sick people, but I don't think that teachers and bus drivers should have to be. Teachers should be in the business of teaching willing learners, and bus drivers should be in the business of transporting kids to and from school. Dysfunctional children should be under the care of trained specialists whose focus should be on curing them of their dysfunction, not catering to it. When they start running the schools that way, I'll start voting for school millages.

Well, there still is that thing about the blue jeans. I know they let kids wear blue jeans in school nowadays, but that's not the point. If your student council is going to be a puppet show, you should call it a puppet show, not claim that it's an example of democracy in action. Come to think of it, maybe that's why our government is so dysfunctional. When the politicians went to school, they observed that people in authority don't always practice what they preach, and they figured that's the way it's supposed to be. Silly me, I followed the preaching instead of the practicing, but I never claimed to be normal.

According to my TV guide display, "Hee Haw" is on Sundays at 12:00AM and 7:00PM Chicago time.

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