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Monday, November 27, 2017

When In Doubt, Right Click

Maybe I forgot to report this, but I have been getting the spell checker to work properly for some time now. My daughter put me on to this one. When the spell checker flags a word, right click on it, even if the little hand doesn't appear when you hover over it. A drop down menu should appear giving you the option of adding the word to the dictionary or ignoring it. Either way, the wavy red line under the word should disappear. Lots of things work like that in Windows 10, but it may work with older systems as well. Try it, either it will work or it won't, but nothing bad should come of it.

Maybe that's what happened to the liberal agenda, people had the feeling that it wasn't working for them, so they right clicked on it. Chances are they won't be any more satisfied with the results, but they figure it's worth a try. Many people don't seem to know what they want anyway. They want everything, they want it now, and they want it for free. Then, when they get it, they don't want it anymore, they want something else instead.

The politicians, on the other hand, know what they want. They want votes, and they will tell us anything they think we want to hear to get them. As soon as they get elected, they start working towards getting re-elected. Term limits don't help. During their last allowed term in office, they start working towards getting elected or appointed to some other office. Either way, most of their energy is directed towards getting a government job for themselves, leaving very little energy to work on any agenda, liberal or conservative. Maybe I'm just getting cynical in my old age. Isn't that what old people re supposed to do?

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