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Monday, November 13, 2017

taking the Underwood to the Starbucks

Well roll me in a corn tortilla and call me an enchilada, have you guys known this all along about  laser printers and ink jets?  I guess I just thought printers were printers.  I remember the laser printer we had when I worked for the state and what a yeoman that was but I thought they would be prohibitively expensive, but I see right now I can get a laser at Target for like a hundred bucks, monochrome, but I like a simple machine, the more features you have the more things that can go wrong,

I expect that Rand Paul would never compromise on anything and it just drove the neighbor bonkers, but I expect more will come out at the trial.  Maybe not, maybe the worst that can come out about Rand is that he is a big nut, but that ship has sailed long ago,  I'm surprised the Foxies haven't found a Hilary link. 

I don't know if I know anybody's eye color.  It seems like a pale blue would stand out but i can't remember.  I never remember what anybody is wearing either.  I'd be no help for cops looking for a perp.;

Oh I love the idea of taking a portable typewriter into Starbucks.  You could punctuate the click clacking and the dinging by every now and then ripping the paper out of the machine and crushing it into a ball and bouncing it off the barista's head.  Cigs or a cigar would probably be a no no, but you could probably get away with a discreetly stored half pint. 

I don't know how three gods in one who are kind of separate but not really and one of whom is a ghost is easier to believe in than just one. 

 I am an objective realist, I define reality as that which exists independent of perception or belief. 

There is a perfect definition of objective reality, or OR as I am pleased to call it, I don't  know why you guys give me such a hard time about this.

So in the news we have Trump taking Putin (in his defense he asked him several times and got the same answer every time) at his word rather than our intelligence agencies, but hell's bells, that's just Trump being Trump, nothing to see her very much that you haven't seen before.

And then there is that judge in Alabama, who beat the Trump candidate so that makes him an outsider's outsider, and after his strange courtships the reps would really like to run someone else, but he doesn't owe the reps anything and he is standing pat, so now the reps will have to back him with big bags of pac money lest they lose a seat in the senate.

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