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Monday, November 6, 2017

Swallow the Leader

We did so have a Boy Scout troop (404) at Elsdon, and a Cub Scout pack (3404) too. I don't think that the church actually sponsored them, they just let them use their back room for meetings. At some point my father became the pack leader of the Cub Scouts and we started meeting at The Harlequin House instead. That's what we called the rec room that my dad made out of our store on 51st Street after he closed it and went to work at Lawndale Meat Products. My Mom's choir group had their rehearsals there for awhile, and their director painted the walls with harlequin designs, which is how it got it's name. Our Boy Scout troop wasn't very active and I mostly hung around and helped my father with the Cub Scouts until I started high school. My dad stayed active in Scouting for a long time after that, but I got tired of going to meetings every week and only going on one or two camping trips a year.

I seem to remember there was a movie about Martin Luther that came out back in the 50s. The Catholics somehow got it banned from Chicago theaters, but our minister got ahold of a copy and played it for us in church. I remember feeling kind of rebellious watching it which, I suppose, is what the people who made the movie intended.

I didn't know that Luther believed in transubstantiation, I thought that was a Catholic thing. When we did Communion at Elsdon, I had the impression that it was just a symbolic ritual but, years later, I found out that a lot of Christians take it literally. It's really gross if you think about it, something more appropriate for heathen cannibals than the nice folks at Elsdon.

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