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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Three Uncle Kens For the Price of One

I used my computer time last night to brush up on the Holy Trinity via Wiki. Turns out I was wrong about one thing. Although it's true that the name "Trinity" is not mentioned in the Bible, there are a few places where the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost appear in the same sentence. There also are a few passages that could be interpreted as alluding to the Trinity, which were the source of much of the controversy about the subject among the early Christians. The controversy is understandable seeing as those cryptic references lend themselves to creative interpretation. In trying to make sense of it all, I came up with the following simplified model: Everybody knows there is only one Uncle Ken but, in a manner of speaking, you could say that there are three Uncle Kens: Uncle Ken the Democrat, Uncle Ken the Blogger, and Uncle Ken the Artist. If you met Uncle Ken for the first time at an art show, you might not be aware of the other two aspects of his personality.

That's what they are, you know, three different aspects of the same personality. God the Father is mostly involved with creation, God the Son is sometimes called "The Word", which I think implies that He is in charge of communication, and the Holy Spirit is the guy who gets things done on Earth. Significantly, it was the Holy Spirit who impregnated the Virgin Mary, not the Father, for it is written in the Apostles' Creed that Jesus was "conceived by the Holy Spirit". By the way, "Holy Ghost" is the old fashioned nomenclature, most people say "Holy Spirit" nowadays.

It is my understanding that the Space Shuttle fleet was retired because they were old and worn out, kind of like those Chinese junks we were talking about. Instead of replacing them, the government has contracted with Elon Musk's company Space-X to provide ferry service to the International Space Station. I don't know whether or not the Russians are party to that deal.

I think they quit sending people to the Moon because all they ever brought back from there were bags of rocks. If Columbus had only brought rocks back from his first voyage to the New World, I doubt the Spanish government would have funded a second voyage.

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