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Friday, November 10, 2017

It's Good if You Never Use It.

Uncle Ken, are you still fooling around with those old fashioned ink jet printers? I started out with one of those back in 2000, and it was nothing but trouble. I eventually upgraded to an HP Laser Jet 1020, and I would never go back to ink. This particular model doesn't do colors, just black and white, which is all I need. Laser printers are generally more expensive than ink printers, but you make it up in the long run by not having to buy those expensive ink cartridges. They have something called a toner cartridge instead, and it lasts way longer than any ink cartridge. I have only changed mine once in something like a decade, but I don't print a lot of stuff. My old one didn't go out all at once, it just gradually faded away like those old typewriter ribbons. If you don't use an ink jet for awhile, the ink dries out and plugs up the works, but a laser printer can sit idle for years with no ill effects.

According to the news reports I have read, Rand Paul was assaulted by his neighbor of 17 years because of "a disagreement about yard waste disposal". Since Rand was mowing his lawn at the time, my guess is that he was grinding up dead leaves with his lawn mover instead of raking them up. That's the way I used to do it when I had a lawn, and I never had any problem with it. Maybe Rand's lawn mower blew some ground up leaves onto his neighbor's property, which can happen on a windy day, but that's no reason to tackle a guy and break a bunch of his ribs. All he had to do was ask Rand to come over and grind the leaves up some more until they just disappeared. If the neighbor was a raker, though, he would not have been satisfied with that. He would have wanted Rand to rake those leaves, which Rand, being a grinder, would have refused to do. I'm just speculating here but, if people would fight to the death over matters like communion wafers and the Trinity, I don't see why they wouldn't come to blows over a bunch of old dead leaves.

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