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Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Font Mystery and Other Issues

"By the way Beagles how did you get that nice black font?  I always type my posts with the blackest font, but when I Publish it, it turns that awful grey, that I have to squint to see." - Uncle Ken

This has come up before.  I use the default font, and it looks the same on my browser as what youse guys post.  Then again, I seldom look at the "View Blog" page, I just work from the home page that comes up when we log in.  I did look at the "View Blog" page yesterday, and what I think is happening is, when I open with a quote like this, the Google Machine shows the whole post in the same font as the opening quote.  I don't use the "Quote" function from the tool bar at the top of the page, I just copy and paste from the home page and add the quotation marks. 

Whenever there's a hurricane or other natural disaster, the governor or somebody issues a mandatory evacuation order, which I believe he has the power to do once he declares a state of emergency.  Afterwards, we usually hear about some people who didn't evacuate and have to be rescued.  I have never heard of anybody being prosecuted for refusing to heed a mandatory evacuation order.  So why do they call it "mandatory" if people are allowed to ignore it with impunity?  Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it an "evacuation advisory" or something like that?

Another thing that bothers me is the way they show people boarding up their windows with what looks like brand new construction grade plywood.  I once saw somebody buying OSB, which is cheaper, but I believe that was because the local lumber yard had run out of the good stuff.  I always wondered what they did with the plywood after the storm, since they always seem to be buying new stuff before the next storm.  Some years ago, after Hurricane Ike hit Texas, a guy who lives there told me that his neighbors piled it all up and burned it.  He went around with his pickup truck a couple days after the storm offering to take any unwanted plywood off their hands, but most of it had already been burned up.  What, are those people nuts?  

Then there's the sandbags.  Nowadays they are made of some kind of synthetic material, which I'm sure would be good for more than one usage, yet all the ones you see them filling on TV appear to be brand new.  Do they dump the sand out and throw the bags away after each storm?  Even if they don't care about the expense, what kind of people deliberately make more work for themselves like that?

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