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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Let the Raccoons Come Unto Me

Raccoons that live near camping or picnic grounds will boldly come forth in broad daylight because people feed them.  The practice is not recommended because the raccoons, while they look cute and cuddly and appear to be tame, are still wild animals.  A kid trying to pet one of them would likely get bitten or scratched for his trouble.  Nevertheless, people still feed them and the raccoons quickly come to expect it.  Some of the raccoons in the video appear to be eating something off the ground.  My guess is that the flautist scatters some corn on the ground before he starts playing, and the raccoons have learned to associate the music with food.  They might have originally just tolerated the music, but by now they have come to like it.

While pondering Uncle Ken's questions about God, I concluded that he's right, we don't really need Him, although I would spin it differently.  God has already provided us with everything we need to survive and prosper, all we've got to do is figure out how to make it work for us.  If we get it right, we get the gain and, if we screw it up, we get the pain.  I'm speaking collectively here because some people get away with murder, while other people just get murdered.  Mother Nature is not concerned with the welfare of individuals, just with the progress of the species, and maybe God is too.  People practice religion, or don't, for the same reason they do most other things, because it makes them feel good.  I suppose there's no harm in that, as long as they don't try to coerce others to accept their way of thinking.  They do, of course, which is one more problem for us to solve.

As for Moses, Uncle Ken asked me where the Ten Commandments came from, and Moses was most certainly involved.  I find it strange that he would require me to stick to the Book when describing Moses, since he neither believes in the Book, nor Moses, nor God.  I don't tell him how to be an Atheist, he shouldn't tell me how to be a Deist.  Well, he can if he wants to, I'm just saying.

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