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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Pandora's Box

Let's face it, the lid is off of Pandora's box, and there is no way to stuff all that shit back inside.  You can't un-invent technology, but you can do things to minimize its impact on you, if you so desire.  There is no law that says you have to use a cell phone, a credit card, or an ATM machine, at least not yet.  There is also no law that requires you to videotape yourself doing something wrong and then post it on Face Book, but people do it. Whatever are they thinking?  The best thing is if you don't do anything wrong in the first place but, if you do, you certainly don't need to advertise it.

It's not all bad either.  Our local supermarket tracks your purchases, and then sends you coupons for products they think you might be interested in.  You don't have to use all the coupons either, you can just use the ones for stuff that you were going to buy anyway and give away or discard the rest.  If you call 911 nowadays, you don't even have to tell them where you are, they can track the phone you're using to within 20 feet of its location.  This might come in handy if you can't complete the call for some reason.  Actually, you don't even have to tell them anything, just dial 911 and set the phone down, and they will send somebody out to investigate in a matter of minutes.  You don't even need a cell phone, they can track a land line just as easily.

That accent I used in the title of my last post was supposed to be Spanish.  Remember Senor Wences? He was a ventriloquist back in the 50s or 60s, You Tube has some videos of his classic acts.  In the one I was quoting, he is trying to teach his puppet to sing a Spanish song, and he keeps warning him that it's quite difficult.  The puppet keeps insisting that it's really easy. After they go back and forth for awhile, the puppet says "Difficult for you, easy for me."  Turns out that the reason the puppet considers the song easy to sing is that he thinks he can substitute "la-la-la" for all the Spanish words.  The  moral of the story is that anything can be made easy if you oversimplify it.

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