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Thursday, September 20, 2018

ends and means vs might makes right

I think we have known for a long time that the polls aren't always right,  There are certain ways to make polls more correct, sample size and how the sample is chosen, are a couple variables and I am disappointed that when polls are quoted, the details of how the poll were taken are not included.  Nevertheless the polls are usually correct.  Nevertheless I am wary of the blue wave polls, which I assume are the ones Beagles is referring to, because, well, because of the recent election,

The thing about the women that come out after the first accusations is that in most cases, outside of the publicity-seekers, coming out does a woman no good.  The man is usually much more powerful than they are, and can, and has, ruined the careers of the woman.  She has to fight charges that she is a liar and talk openly about something she feels is shameful.  So generally the best thing for her is to keep quiet, but then when one woman comes forth, and then another there is strength in numbers.  That is why they come out of the woodwork all together 30 years later.

In the Christine Ford case however no other woman has come forth.  Since my last posting she has declined to testify before congress, and I have heard that she doesn't recall where the house was or what year the incident took place, which makes me think there is no case here at all.

Absolutely the dems want  to delay the confirmation in the hope of the blue wave having an effect on the selection.  The argument has been made that since this is an important matter, why not wait until after the next election so that the people can speak.  This is the argument that the reps used to deny Obama's choice, but they had power and the dems do not.

I expect the dems to promote this lost cause anyway because they think it will energize women who are seen as the leading edge in the blue wave of 2018.

I think Beagles has the ends vs the means backwards, it is never a question of the means justifying the ends.  I guess that would constitute might makes right, which most people think is wrong. The reps didn't think it was wrong when they denied Obama's candidate, or when they back Orangey despite his actions so that they can get their candidate on the supreme court.

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