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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Deefficult For You, Ecee For Me

I think that I understand that Red Chinese stuff, unless I'm missing something.  What they are doing is keeping book on everybody through the use of modern technology.  It's the same technology that the US and other countries have, the difference being that the Red Chinese are gathering all the data on each individual into their personal file, kind of like the mythological permanent records that they used to keep on all of us back in the day, only these records are for real.  Then they run all this data through an algorithm or something and come up with a quantitative number for each person, kind of like the credit scores they have here for people who buy stuff on credit. This number, however, is not just used to determine your financial credit worthiness, it's used to define how good a commie citizen you are.  They call it a "social credit score", not to be confused with the Social Credit movement that they had in Canada during the 1930s, which was a totally different thing. People with high social credit scores are given preferential treatment for things like housing, employment, and whatever else the Red Chinese government controls, which is like everything.  People with low credit scores get sent to the Red Chinese equivalent of Siberia, perhaps Mongolia.  Any questions?

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