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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Counting Unhatched Chickens

If we didn't learn another thing from the last election, we should have learned that the polls aren't always right.  People like to predict things, I suppose it gives them a false sense of security.  It's like Red Green used to say, the three little words that men find it so hard to say are "I-don't-know".

I'm always suspicious of those me tooers that come out of the woodwork to tell us about some outrage that happened to them 30 years ago.  I suppose there are legitimate reasons why someone would keep something like that to themselves for 30 years and then decide to go public with it, but I don't know what they might be.  In the Kavanaugh case, it's no secret that the Dems want to delay the confirmation hearings and the Reps want to hurry them along.  Of course that doesn't prove that this Ford lady is lying through her teeth, but it kind of makes one wonder.  From what I've read, it doesn't sound like a case of rape anyway, more like a drunken adolescent make out session that turned a little ugly.  Hey, that can happen to anybody, or so I have been told.

I suppose one could make a case for the ends justifying the means but, if the ends are wrong to start with, no amount of means are going to justify them.

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