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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sweet and sour chicken

There is no experience quite like filling sandbags, especially when the sand is a little wet.  Damn things are heavy.  During my first week in the  Army we had a lot of downtime because of a uniform shortage; those of us with uniforms ended up on work details and one fine morning was spent filling sandbags.  There was no pressing need for them, it was  something to keep us busy.  I suspect that another work detail was tasked with emptying and folding them neatly in the afternoon.

I don't understand the business with plywood either, Mr. Beagles.  Folks have been living in the Carolinas since colonial times and big storms shouldn't take them by surprise.  Have storm shutters fallen out of fashion?

If folks ignore a mandatory evacuation order shouldn't they have to pay for their rescue, if needed?  Makes sense to me.


I like the Sunday morning array of news programs, like Meet the Press and Face the Nation, but they overlap and I don't like being tied to a specific time frame, glued to the tube.  I just stumbled (doing a lot of stumbling lately, must be getting old) on a website that solves that problem.  All kinds of news programs, across the political spectrum, are available and you can listen to them at your leisure.  The best thing is that you can fast-forward through them, ignoring the parts in which you have no interest.


Although not more conspiracy noise I found something that is more than a bit disturbing.  Do you like eating chicken from China?  There is a recent program where chicken from the US is shipped to China for processing and returned to the US for our consumption.  Think of all those frozen birds slowly making their way back and forth across the Pacific in shipping containers.  Is chicken so cheap that it is cost effective to have them processed in China and returned?  This program was initiated in the Bush era but didn't get going until Trump made one of his great trade deals last year.  If the US has lost the capability to economically process chicken we are doomed.


Well, Manafort flipped and Kavanaugh is accused of rape.  It should be an interesting week.

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